HIVE.V HVBTF HIVE Blockchain Technologies CHART ANALYSIS --- Closing in on to the end of the correction

HIVE.V (HVBTF) Chart - Closing in to the end of the correction

May 17, 2018

HIVE.VN - Primary Analysis - May-17 2336 PM (20 min).png

Here above is my chart for HIVE.V -- its following expectations and in the box from where an uptrend should most likely start. Given the depth of correction, I am willing to accept a pullback to the 88.7% but any lower than that and the uptrend is in serious jeopardy. Fingers crossed!

and the chart for HVBTF is here:

HVBTF - Primary Analysis - May-17 2348 PM (20 min).png

Here is my previous blog on this topic from May 11, 2018

The decline seems to be progressing as expected, and is likely reaching its final stages as indicated by the positive divergences in RSI and MACD. Seems a turn up is close at hand. Fingers crossed!

Hope this analysis was/is/will be helpful!

Note: you can right-click and open charts in new tab to see them at full size -- they are quite large and clearer.

Thank you!.png

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