Help me decide which crypto to buy next!

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These last two months I have slowly consolidated most of my altcoin/crapcoin positions into the more serious crypto's, and I am feeling pretty happy with most of my positions. So much so, that I am not sure I should add more to them, or instead diversify and add something new to my portfolio (here we go again..). Who better to ask for advice than you guys!

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In order to give advice first you need to know what I have, obviously. Many of my frequent readers will already know my favorites, but for clarity's sake I will list my current holdings and percentage distribution:

Big hodlsSmall hodlsWilling to sell/trade
45% NEO2.5% IOTA8% STRAT
16-17% BTC2% EOS
13-14% ETH1-2% XMR
7% OMG0.7% ZRX
-0.5% BAT
-0.3% GNT

So as you can see most my portfolio consists of: NEO, BTC, ETH, STRAT and OMG. I am waiting for the right time to sell my STRAT for BTC, which should increase my percentage in BTC to about 20-25% of my total portfolio which is a number I feel comfortable with.

Other than that specific move, I feel pretty happy with these main positions and don't see myself selling any of these in the near term. I am not sure I should add to them more either - perhaps I should instead focus on one of my smaller holds and increase those, or add something new.

My small holds are long term oriented. BAT and GNT I will not add to, in any case. XMR is a recent addition, and I'm happy to hold only this small amount of it and do not seek to add to this either.

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Now that I finished up my Monero(XMR) buying into my portfolio, I am starting to think what to add next. Monero I wanted, because I feel it is one of the 'core' cryptocurrencies out there and I've always felt my portfolio was lacking some.

Now I am looking for more that my portfolio 'needs'. I have identified a few options and paths to follow:

  1. Increase my position in IOTA
    Has many partnerships, revolutionary design and concept, I see big things for this in the future
  2. Increase my position in 0x Protocol/ZRX
    Decentralized exchanges are going to blow up, ZRX seems well positioned and adopted
  3. Increase my position in EOS
    This too has a future, and my position is not that big despite being one of the oldest hodlers of it. I also have doubts about this, though, hence the small position.
  4. Add RaiBlocks/Nano/XRB to my portfolio
    XRB is making a lot of waves, and I have felt the attraction for a long time, but I also have my doubts about adoption and the tech. IOTA seems better positioned with similar tech but other focus. Still I would not want to miss the boat.
  5. Add Ark to my portfolio
    Ark is a platform crypto that is well respected and most appeals to me because of the staking benefits to holders (5% ROI), similar to my attraction to NEO it involves no tech skills to stake. It's also relatively low cap and off the radar. I could potentiall replace this with KMD or BLOCK if I find good arguments for it.
  6. Just get more ETH or BTC

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Right now I am leaning towards increasing my position in IOTA, ZRX, or adding XRB or Ark, or just get more ETH. One consideration I have with these choices is that I will only be putting $200 or so into it, as I will be making these purchases with my SBD profits over the course of the coming weeks. So this is more to 'finish off' my portfolio rather than to build another core asset. As such some benefits as lost to me if they require larger investments (such as KCS).

I'm really curious to know what you all think I should do! I'm open to hearing alternative suggestions too, but don't get upset if I'm not into it.. I checked coinmarketcap thoroughly and if your pick didn't make the list I probably have my reasons.

What would you do in my position?

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(Art by Roy Lichtenstein)

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