LTC Price prediction update| Boring

No big changes since my sell signal, I'm glad I got out.

Prices going back to the 100 moving average, after the breakout, are normal in this system, only to after really go down. The thing is, it never takes this long. Price as been around that region for days now, after the sell signal. And the Bollinger bands are slowly starting to narrow aswell, something I like to see, as it tells me LTC is getting ready for the next Bull run. No reall signal thou. Just a boring graph of a cryptocurrency that's holding pretty good.


This is my own opinion, not financial advice.

For my predictions, I use a technical analysis trading setup I explained here, and also my knowledge of other setups along with common support and resistence lines, and Fibonacci levels.

As you can see I don't have a huge following base, so if you want, you can help me by resteeming this post.

Thank You!

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