Vice Token’s Touch Tube site is rapidly rolling out fixes, updates, and new features

It’s hard to believe it has been another week, but the Vice Token team has been hard at work rolling out fixes, updates, and new features to the Touch.Tube website. The site’s membership and content are growing by leaps and bounds. Visits to the site continue to rapidly increase. All that said, let’s take a quick look back at what the team has accomplished this past week.


Fixed It!

First the fixes. There were two very noticeable fixes that I saw over the past week. One minor and aesthetic and the other more significant and functional. The minor, aesthetic fix was related to broken user avatar photos in the left sidebar. During the week, the team fixed this issue so that profile images were being properly displayed. I do still notice the occassional broken image for those users who still have the default placeholder avatar image. Pro tip: You can help solve this issue by adding a super sexy avatar image to your profile today!

On the functional side of things, during the week there was a period of a couple days where a significant percentage of video uploads were failing. Specifically the videos would upload to 100% and then fail to make it to the transcoding step on the Touch Tube servers. The team got right to work on this issue and fixed it fairly quickly. Since then videos for the vast majority of content producers have uploaded successfully and made it to transcoding. The transcoding queue is still a bit long but the process is slowly improving and I hope to see it become quicker as we move into the fourth quarter of 2018.

Updates! Get your updates here!

The Vice Token Dev Team rolled out some very necessary updates to the site at just the right time. I guess you could say it was all part of their master plan.

The first update to the site was the ability to be able to claim your VIT rewards for watching, voting, and commenting on porn videos. The claim VIT feature debuted just a day or so after the first videos uploaded to the site had finished their seven day rewards earning period. Touch Tube users are now able to claim their VIT rewards as they accrue in their VIT wallet. Currently VIT rewards are only available to be claimed as VIT Power. Keep a look out in the near future for a feature update enabling users to select a split on their rewards between VIT and VIT Power.

The next update of the week was to the video upload functionality and it was a major update. The team added a delete function to the video uploads section of the site for content producers to delete videos that were already uploaded, transcoded, and ready for posting to the site. This was a great update as many content producers had uploaded the same video files a few times due to the temporary issue with some uploads failing. This resulted in many duplicates clogging up their video upload queues. This issue is now a thing of the past.

New Feature

Lastly, there was a new feature added to the video upload section of Touch Tube. Content producers can now capture a frame from their uploaded videos or they can upload their own image file to use as the screenshot. This gives the content producer much more control over the presentation of their video on the Touch Tube homepage and other video pages. Before this feature was added, the Touch Tube system would grab a screenshot at a predetermined part of the video. Now, video producers have much more control to maximize the appeal of their video on the website.

All that said, the two biggest issues are still at play: the backlog of user registrations and the slow rate of video uploading, transcoding, publishing to site; but the team is working hard on these two issues and are making progress. Hopefully within the next week or two we’ll see significant improvement in these areas.

All in all, I am tremendously happy with the progress the team is making with the site. I’m also very happy to see how excited and involved the community is on the Touch Tube site. I think these two factors bode well for Vice Industry Token’s long term outlook.

What do you think of Touch.Tube so far? Are you happy with the pace of development? Are there any fixes, updates, or new features I neglected to mention? Let me know in the comments.

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