140 STEEM + 35 Bonuses ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: Elementh

Welcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest!

Status: CLOSED.

Accepted Languages:

  • English

Start Time: 6 PM ET, Friday
End Time: 6 PM ET, Monday

This is a call to all great Steemit writers! Elementh has sponsored a writing contest!

Prizes: 140 STEEM + 35 Bonuses

  • 1st Place: 38 STEEM
  • 2nd Place: 27 STEEM
  • 3rd Place: 21 STEEM
  • 4th Place: 17 STEEM
  • 5th Place: 14 STEEM
  • 6th Place: 12 STEEM
  • 7th Place: 11 STEEM
  • 8th - 42th: 1 STEEM Bonus

Deadline: 72 Hours

All articles must be submitted within 72 hours of this post to be considered!

Change in submission bonus rules

What is Elementh?

All retails businesses need to have control over their inventory. This means:

  • How many products?
  • When are the products arriving?
  • What is the product quality?
  • What is the product history/path?

Many businesses suffer from a lack of control over their products. This means that they lose valuable time and resources dealing with logistics issues instead of dealing with their bread and butter - sales.

This is where the Elementh platform comes in. Elementh is a complete ecosystem, with it's own programming language, that allows retailers to build applications that track their products as well as purchase goods via the power of smart contracts.

This is not just an ecommerce platform. It is an entire infrastructure with a turing-complete programming language that can be accessed by small and large businesses to optimize their operations, such as logistic, tracking the movements of goods, product data quality, authenticity checking, store design tools, etc.

Elementh Major Innovations

At the root of the Elementh system lies the qualitative product data and system of goods. Stores, service provides, distributors and manufacturers can store their product data in a special format on the Elementh blockchain. Other businesses can use the platform to access this exact data and make product orders directly through DAPPs made on top of the platform. The payment is made once the products arrive to the purchaser along with the ownership of the product. Using the Elementh platform everyone can write smart contracts to handle payment and ensure delivery of orders.

Elementh Benefits

Since each individual product has it's own unique ID and data, the benefits of blockchain technology apply to all products on the platform. This can prevent issues such as counterfeits, which are rampant in the brand-name industry, with stores selling fakes that even they themselves might not be aware of. With the Elementh system of goods, even if the retailer is purchasing from a reseller, they can check the unique ID to ensure the originality of the item along with the full path made by the product from manufacturer to reseller and finally to the retailer.

Since distributors and stores are making transactions through the smart contracts, risks of missed orders or charges for items that never arrived are significantly reduced, saving time and money.


Elementh will have its own built-in programming language which will allow developers to create DAPPs on top of the platform. This power is the very core of the platform. It will mean that Elementh will be further enhanced as adoption increases and companies want to expand their operations on the Elementh platform.

Elementh for e-commerce is the same as Ethereum for tokenization!

Elementh is a full tool set for developers. It will give developers the ability to make apps that work with the decentralized inventory of items. The Elementh system of goods and perfect product data are building blocks, on top of which various layers can be implemented to use that data.

The number of potential application that can be built on the Elementh platform are endless. Using the built-in programming language programmers could access tools that will allow them to use:

  • Decentralized marketplaces
  • Product Tracking
  • Seller/Buyer Scoring
  • Finding the Lowest Prices
  • Product Availability
  • Product Locations

Sample Use-Case

  • Jack owns a small shoe store
  • Wants to start selling online
  • Enter Elementh!
  • Set up store in minutes
  • Stock balance synchronized through his existing accounting software
  • Jack's inventory is now available on the Elementh network and to all its members.
  • Steve, who was shopping for a pair of boots, saw that Jack's store carries them.
  • Steve ordered the boots.
  • The money for the purchase goes to a smart contract, where it is held until delivery is confirmed, at which point it enters Jack's account!

More Information & Resources:

Rules & Submission

  • Write an article about how Elementh is going to change the eCommerce space. How can developers benefit from having access to the powerful Elementh tools? How can businesses utilize Elementh to take their businesses online? How will bringing the power of the blockchain to inventory management change the industry? As always, the contest is open-ended. Be creative!

  • Feel free to use images and media from their website. You can even make your own video and have it in your submission!

  • The article must be at least 200 words in length.

  • To submit please do the following:

  1. Add the word "elementh2018" (without the quotes) at the very end of your article.
  2. Link this post in your submission.
  3. Post the link to your article as a reply to this post.
  4. Resteem this contest post.

How the winners are decided

The submissions will be passed along to the team at Elementh, and they will decide the best articles.

More information & recommendations:

  • Pay attention to spelling and grammar!
  • Feel free to use informal language such as "I would, etc"
  • Use information and resources above to learn more about Elementh!
  • If you copy something, use quotes. This is an @OriginalWorks contest after all :)

After writing an article, within a few minutes you should get one of these as a response to your article post:

If you don't get one, let me know by adding a quick message after you submit your link as a reply here and I will look into it.

35 submissions will get 1 STEEM each. The article must meet the contest conditions such as word length and a level of quality.

Disclaimer: @OriginalWorks makes no claims as to the legitimacy or operating procedures of contest topics. @OriginalWorks does guarantee prize payout. The contest topic company may choose to share the winning contest submissions.

Good luck to all the contestants!

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