I love Crypto predictions - its like herding cats

A "Seeking Alpha" Story predicting that Bitcoin will drop to below $1000 by end of 2019.

No data to back up the assertions except to say that "the present moment in the bitcoin and crypto market looks a lot like the dot-com bubble circa August 2000." [Source:https://seekingalpha.com/article/4206243-warning-good-chance-bitcoin-1000-next-year]

Well, whoop-de-do

And then there is....An article about Crypto Bull Tim Draper who has put his money where his mouth is and invested heavily in Bitcoin -

"Draper predicted that the price of bitcoin would reach US$250,000 by 2022. And in 2015 the venture capitalist projected that the price of the flagship cryptocurrency would reach US$10,000 by the close of 2017, a prediction that came to pass."

So should we sell or should we HODL.

Who can say...

At time of writing Bitcoin is 6515.

You know what, bugger you Bitcoin.

Instead, let's look at a funny Kitty Flanagan video about making money on Insta -


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