What is cryptojacking ? Want to learn about it ?

In today's time, everyone is using the internet. And Internet usage is increasing day by day. And because of the Internet, some people are also earning and some people use the internet for their work. So many times when you are using the internet on your mobile device or computer, the fan of your computer runs faster at that time. Or your mobile or computer starts getting too hot So have you thought about it. Sometimes why it is hot and you probably would not have thought it and if you thought you would have thought that either your internet is slow or your mobile or computer device has a problem. That's why your mobile or computer device runs slow or getting hot.

But let me tell you that the reason for making your mobile and computer device hot is not just the slowing of the Internet or there is no problem with it. The reason for their heating is Cryptojacking. But now you may be thinking this. That's what Cryptojacking happens. You might have heard about hijacking but what happens to Cryptojacking. It's probably you do not know what I have you today in Cryptojacking in this post. What should we do to survive it and if our mobile or computer device is a victim of Cryptojacking? So what will we have trouble and how do the Cryptojacking people use it? Today I will give you this information in this post.

So below you are being given full details about Cryptojacking. This information is very beneficial for you. Because it has almost happened to you or you are going with it, then to avoid this, to see what you do, see all these things I am telling you.

What is Cryptojacking?

When you open any type of website on your mobile phone or computer device. On top of it, you see many different types of advertisements and it is placed by the owner of the ad website so that the owner of the website earns money but we think the Internet is a free service. But there is no such thing. In today's time, which is free, the website owner earns money by putting an advertisement on the internet too. The way you assume that you see the video above YouTube So with the video you have to look up ads on YouTube. So that YouTube monetizes. And YouTube's earnings depend on itself.

And YouTube's earnings depend solely on full add. So in the same way, the owner of the website also places different types of ads on their website. Because he also has to earn. He is not sitting open any free service. So anyone wants to do his work on his website and come back so he also needs some earnings. So he makes his earnings from the ad itself.

And on this internet itself, only a new thing has emerged in these websites today. Whose name is Cryptojacking? As I mentioned above, you must have heard about hijacking but Cryptojacking is probably the first thing to hear about Cryptojacking, something that hackers use. And with Cryptojacking help Hackers hack your computer or mobile device very easily. And using your mobile device or computer, crypto earns very easily.

And for this hackers do not need to attack your mobile or computer. Neither do they hack your mobile any other way All this work is done by just one javascript? And this JavaScript runs in your computer's computer device's background. When you are on top of any website you are engaged in your work.
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That hacker is using your computer and mobile power at that time. To earn your cryptocurrency for your benefit, you do not have any idea at all about this. He is making a cryptocurrency using JavaScript using your mobile and computer power. And they get very much from the power computer to earn the cryptocurrency and they earn money from it and send it to a particular address. A few years ago, behind the same and a cryptocurrency earning website has also been discovered.

And the name of that company Pirate Bay. so you must know all that is Torrent. Or used to download other things. When any user went to the top of the website, there was no visible ad on the website. But that was completely removed. But there was an earning on it. Wherever you are working on this website, as long as the user continues, the hackers will continue to use the power of your computer device to earn money at that time, and in this way, the amount of earnings is sent to a particular address. And in this way, there are a lot of computers here. And it becomes a huge network. And earning too much power to earn. And the cryptocurrency is very high.
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If talking about bitcoin currency, it is absolutely impossible to earn bitcoins with simple CPU power. But apart from this, the second currency can be easily earned from simple CPU power. For example, monero and hacker are making such a currency by using this thing.

How do you know that your power is being used?

So now you might be thinking how you will know that the power of your computer is being used to earn the cryptocurrency. Let me tell you and they are two ways. The first is this. That's when you open any kind of website. So the website itself is javascript. And the owner of the website does not even know about it. That Javascript is engaged in its website. But he does not know because he hacks his website and puts it on the website from another hacker. And start earning from it. And many times they are even put into the server.
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And the other way is to look at the software. Many times that downloads are downloaded to your device along with the software. Much such software has been created. Many such programs have been prepared by hackers. So when you download any kind of software, these programs are downloaded to your device along with your software. And then start earning using the power of your computer. And this is some kind of stir up in your device.

When your computer starts earning the cryptocurrency. Then you start to see some hints as if you go to a website. Once you go to this website, your computer fan starts running very fast or your computer device starts working slowly. And if you open this kind of website from mobile then your mobile becomes very hot. Many times you open such a website in your computer. When you open just one page, you start to see problems like heating the computer or the fan running fast and if you open 10 or 12 pages of a normal website. So your computer does not get into such a problem quickly. And if you look in the Computer Window Task Manager, then your computer's CPU usage increases at a sudden. So by these indications, you can easily guess that the power of your computer is being used to earn the cryptocurrency.



As I told you above you do not know and you only think that your computer is just getting hot. But on many websites, such a script has been put up so that the cryptocurrency is being earned. A company named Coinhive has appeared in the past few times. And this company allows the website owner to add a script to their website so that the cryptocurrency is earned. And after visiting it, the number of visitors who come to that website. The power of all those computers is used to earn the cryptocurrency, then the company will take 30% of the amount of crypto money it will earn. And nowadays which is a popular website. The script is being used too much above them. And you do not even know, but on the website, let's assume that it is being used. But now, just a moment ago, another thing came up. It happened the first time. That this script was used in an add-on on YouTube. And the address runs like this that is the antivirus of Google. He noted this script and blocked the add-on.
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And it was reported by Google that the same Monero JavaScript was used here. Which was done by Pirate Bay, but it has come to India right now. These scripts are being used by hackers in different countries, YouTube has taken this action and YouTube said that we do not endorse any such advertisements and close it. We block her account, you can guess about how much money is being put on the ad to earn money from hackers. First of all, the hackers create a new account and which Google approves and as soon as the account is approved. After that, they start earning cryptocurrency from Monero JavaScript. And something like this is javascript. That they are not taking just 30% of the commission. Rather, using the power of all the Visitor's computer, they are earning the full cryptocurrency itself. And Google and YouTube are claiming that. That we have blocked all such things. He's just removing it. If there is such a problem even further. So we will remove all these things.

How to Avoid Cryptojaking?

if you think that your computer and mobile are being used for the cryptocurrency. So you tell me about how to avoid it and how you can stop that cryptocurrency.

  • You can use Tor Browser in your computer.
  • You can stop Cryptojacking using extensions in your Chrome browser.
  • Whatever browser you use on your computer You can block JavaScript in
    it. First of all, you do not have to use any Unsecured or Malicious
  • Do not download any kind of games or software from any third party
    the website, because with them, some such things are downloaded into your system. Which uses your computer power.
  • And you can download a software called No Coins from Google Chrome.
    So the cryptocurrency is being earned from your computer power. It's
    Coins Blocker software that can be turned off.

By using these things you can avoid cryptocurrency.

Losses from cryptojacking

When your computer and mobile power are used to earn another cryptocurrency. So your mobile gets hot in it. And your computer fan starts running very fast. This can cause you too much damage. Your computer may also be bad. There is a lot of load on your computer.

If your computer is continuously crypto jacking, then your electricity costs may increase. Because with cryptorchid, your computer needs more power.
It can also steal your personal information. Or can not steal your data.
If your computer's crypto is being used to earn the cryptocurrency, then you may also have trouble. Just like you do any kind of transactions from your bank account. Or transfer money, you may also have trouble in it.
It loads a lot on your computer. And at this time your computer will definitely be damaged in some way.

Is Cryptojacking Perfect or Wrong?


If you use any other man's asking him about something. So this is a legal crime. And talk about the cryptocurrency, this is also a wrong thing. Because if someone is earning money using your power. So it is also afraid of having trouble in your computer or mobile phone. So that you will suffer a loss of that. And if its use is not stopped. So this can be a big danger in the coming time. Because such currency promotes most terrorist organizations. So they need money from a similar thing. And much more money is needed. Because the cryptocurrency can earn very much at a time. So this way, we should try to stop it.

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