Introducing My self

Hello Everyone

Its great to be part of this Steemit Community. I have only recently taken a tiny step into the Cryptocurrency world and I can say I am really in awe at the endless opportunities. In the last few years I have worked as a Software Quality Analyst an its come to a time I need to do something different. Blockchain technology seem like it may just what I need to get me interested in technology again.

I live in Calgary in Canada where its Summer right now but gets really cold. One thing I really love about Calgary are the colours that you see splashed across the sky its so beautiful I have been know to stop on my way to work to take Photographs

Other times its freezing cold but fresh and pristine I just have to stop and admire even at the cost of my fingers.

Now I have told you a little about myself and the city I live in I am looking forward to making friends here and having fun.

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