Music and blockchain - what to expect in the future?

Blockchain technology can also revolutionize the monetization of music. The infrastructure is based on smart contracts, programs that can be run on the blockchain along with the payment transactions. Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum support micropayments, which is effectively impossible with classic payment mediums due to transfer costs. This can support a new way of offering on-demand music services. Users can select the record of their choice and immediately reward the stakeholders with cryptocurrency upon playing it.

I have been reading a lot on the subject lately and found myself a little lost in front of all the options available. Hoping to get some insights on the topic from you guys.

  • What are the upsides of blockchain music platforms?
  • What are the downsides of blockchain music platforms?
  • What is your favorite blockchain music platform?
  • Looking forward to see peoples reaction on the subject!
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