Does Google feel threatened with the Cryptos and Blockchain Technology

Google came out with this directive that it is going to ban the Crypto advertisements from June onwards.
Do we see that Google is fearing the power of Decentralization and that they see gradually the domination they hold over centralization slip out from their hands.

And what a funny Headline that they had "Google is Banning Ban All Cryptocurrency, ICO Advertisements from June", I seriously feel they have lost it, they need some English tutors as well πŸ˜€

So much of hypocrisy, they can go ahead with all the gambling and porn sites and they claim these as dangerous to the society. What a big joke, the biggest data hackers are talking of Morality. They are trying to spread the fear in public which to an extent will work, but how long can they go ahead with these monkey tricks and stop the dominance of Crypto.

Image Source: Pixabay

The recent times have been extremely turbulent for the Cryptos, all the countries are waking up to either adapting or opposing or trying to get regulations in place. I am no expert on this subject but I personally feel that these early revolutions in the Crypto space are good for a long run. In the long run we will be able to see more stability.

Indian officials are contemplating that Bitcoin should not be allowed at all, but how much can they succeed in these directives.

All of this is putting pressure on the market value, but people will soon realize the potential once governments impose more control and restrictions on freedom. And when there will be an exit from the global banking system because of things going cashless and bail-outs/ bail-ins/ negative interest rates all that money is going to come into Cryptos because it is the only truly decentralized form of money which people can control themselves and are in full charge of their money.

The current situation may make them fly but the winner will be the one who has the last laugh so lets wait and watch the fun. In the mean time, stay strong and do not panic the extremes. Possibility is that it may go low further and we may see a bear market for a very long time in 2018.

Image Source: Pixabay

The Revolution has already begun and the threat is opposed to many but how much will they be able to control.
Cryptos are inevitable and eventually everyone will have to surrender.

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With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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