Multiversum, a rush through success.

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So many objectives have been completed and mountains have been climbed, only a few objectives are yet to be achieved until the ultimate goal is reached.
The first mountain top is the one that all of you had been waiting for since the beginnig: listing on top exchanges!
We are perfectioning several agreements, one with a top exchange, where we will be listed before July the 10th.
Meanwhile, we are progressing with the other exchanges.

Multiversum, after conquering Dubai, Seoul and London, obtained a huge surge in awareness, involvement and obviously major investment from far east.
In a few days Multiversum Team will be in Dubai, then Hong Kong to showcase its mindblowing features and spread its revolutionary concept of blockchain all over the world.
We have also been guests at the main belarusian TV channel, on the prime time news, introduced as “One of the five most innovative projects of year 2018”.

Multiversum is in Top Five innovative projects in Belarus for 2018
These upcoming Summits will be an opportunity to collect new investors and supporters. Therefore, we decided to extend the ICO by 14 days, shifting its end to June 24, restlessy pushing to the hard cap.
We are not stopping nor resting, a project like Multiversum deserves all of our energies.

We want to fully develop Multiversum platform and, even if we are several months ahead on the roadmap, we want to do it as soon as possible to seize the markets at once.

Pay attention to our channels, because the SDK are going to be released in few days, so that every coder can test Multiversum platform potential and versatility.

Multiversum, here to stay.



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