Basic Income to everyone provided by SwiftDemand

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Universal Basic Income is the solution to poverty. We are living in a world where there are more resources than ever before and yet there are still people that are forced to live in poverty. This is a fundamental injustice in the world and one that SwiftDemand aims to solve.

The advancement of technology has resulted in a large amount of automation which is slowly removing the need for human labor. We have not yet reached the point where human labor has become complete unnecessary, but steps need to be taken in anticipation of a world where scarcity is no longer an issue. We believe that providing every individual with a small amount of money can empower people to focus on doing what they love instead of what they are forced to do to make ends meet.

In a modern world, everyone should have a human right to have a certain baseline of living. As technology has progressed, there is no longer a reason that everyone must work. Our society is built on an artifact of a past world where laborious work was essential to survival. SwiftDemand will allow us to progress into a new era where people are no longer held back by trivial issues.

The Swift Protocol has been designed to provide every natural person with regular income to help them in their lives. This is achieved by allowing anyone to sign up, verify their identity, and then immediately start receiving their daily income in a new currency called Swifts.

For the Swift Protocol to be truly successful, it’s critical that a healthy economy can grow around the Swift currency. SwiftDemand is aiding in the adoption of this new currency by allowing users to buy and sell products on a marketplace with Swifts. This marketplace — known as the SwiftDemand store — has already seen a solid amount of usage with over 3000 submitted products and nearly 1000 purchases a day.

The ultimate goal for Swifts is to become a global currency which can easily be used alongside or potentially in place of government issued currencies. The larger the Swift economy grows, the more value there is that can be given away via Universal Basic Income. This is why we have made it our mission to gain widespread adoption and build out a platform that allows people to participate directly in the Swift economy.

Your Help
The Swift Protocol has a very ambitious goal which can truly to make the world a better place. However, to make Basic Income a reality, we need the help of as many people as possible. If you believe in our mission and would like to help there are many different ways you can contribute.

Telling your friends about SwiftDemand. The more people that learn about SwiftDemand and sign up, the faster that we can grow. For the Swift Protocol to truly be a revolutionary paradigm, widespread adoption is critical for creating a healthy economy with the Swift currency.
Use your Swifts to buy & sell goods & services. It’s very important that Swifts are used as a currency instead of an investment like most other cryptocurrencies. For SwiftDemand to truly be successful, we need to be able to buy normal every day commodities and services with our Swifts.
Participate in the token sale.* All proceeds from the token sale will be used to support SwiftDemand. We understand not everyone has money to contribute, but that’s okay. SwiftDemand has been designed so everyone can easily participate and own Swifts regardless of your financial background.
Written by:
Christopher Gregorio, Founder & CEO of SwiftDemand

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