Russia To Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency: CryptoRuble

It is becoming evident that whatever China or Russia bans, you should invest. If you are looking for a potential leading indicator, you can as well consider the above statement as a leading indicator to make an investment decision.

Russia just announce that it will be launching its own cryptocurrency according to the articles below. The reason why they so hard on other cryptocurrencies the recent past weeks. The minister of communications Nikolay Nikiforov even commented that:

“I confidently declare that we run CryptoRuble for one simple reason: if we do not, then after 2 months our neighbors in the EurAsEC will.”

The race for states to start launching their cryptocurrencies is on. Japan has made an official statement, Dubai has done so too. We will be waiting for China to come up with theirs soon and likewise, many others. There is no other bullish signal for cryptomarkets than this. Since they can't stop us, they figured out, it is best to join us.

The race is on.... 2018 will likely be the year of state owned cryptos and decentralized exchanges among other happenings within the crypto space.


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