Jamie Dimon Is Once Again Talking About Bitcoin Investor

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon once again talking about Bitcoin Investor. On October 12, Dimon told CNBC that he was done talking about Bitcoin and that it was basically irrelevant to him. However, Dimon won't shut up about Bitcoin as bank executive called Bitcoin investor as "stupid" and some day they will pay the price.

Recently, Jamin Dimon called Bitcoin is a "fraud" and after that Bitcoin market saw correction and interestingly JP Morgan Securities Ltd bought a bunch of Bitcoin.

On this Thursday Dimon said that " I won't put this high on the category of important things in the world but I'm not going to talk about Bitcoin any more." Than JP Morgan CFO Marianne Lake said that " we are open minded for cryptocurrencies that are properly controlled and regulated" However, according to CNBC after this statement the very next day at the Institute Of International Finance Conference Demon said that Bitcoin Investor is 'Stupid"

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