I just hired my first 'employee' who will be paid in cryptocurrency!

Good evening fellow Steemians,

As some of you might know: I am a single parent of homeschooled (unschooled) kids.
We live in rural Ireland, on 4 acres of land. We only just moved here a couple of months ago, so we haven't planted a lot yet, but still, there is a lot of work.
We have animals (horses, dogs and cats) and they have to be taken care of too.

Besides this, I work almost full time now (sometimes more), either on content for Steemit or for my freelance writing job or when trading cryptocurrency, or all three combined.
I used to do this in the evenings after the kids went to bed, but since this house is always Crazy Town, it's very hard to keep real bedtimes, so slowly but surely, my evenings turned into nights and nights into mornings.
Sometimes I would only sleep 2-3 hours a night, and anyone can imagine that this can't be done forever if I want to stay healthy and most importantly: keep my sanity! There just aren't enough hours in the day!

Source: marriagegeek.com

So I've decided to do something I never dreamed of doing a year ago.
I was going to hire someone to mind the kids for me for 4 hours a day, bring them to the playground, or for a walk or something else they enjoy, so I can get some work done during the day instead of working till deep in the night.
The rest of my hours of work are now spread out between the evenings and the weekend.

I have a good friend who is already like a piece of furniture here, and he already minded the kids when needed, but always for free (well, and dinner and lunch haha). So since I am now in the position to do so, I thought it's time to pay it forward and reward him for all he does. It makes it easier for me to have certain times when I can work without interference and I actually now have more quality time for the kids to do things with them since I'm not always trying to get this or that done in between the house hold, their 'school' work and other activities.

I asked my friend if he wanted the 'job'. We had a short interview (LOL, of course we didn't) and BOOM: he was hired!

Source: maguiresmovies.blogspot.com

I am now the proud 'employer' of a male nanny!

And to top it all off: he has seen the light, recently started investing in cryptocurrency (after hearing me talk about it and make profits for months) so he asked me if he could be paid in crypto!


Isn't that something?
We're living in exciting times, that's for sure.


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