TOP ICO for August 2018 ANKR ICO — A different kind of cloud computing. YOUR NEXT 100X

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According to ICO Data, in 2018 , there has already been $6,000,000,000 allocated to ICO’s already with over 900+ projects.
I like to go behind smart money when it come to invest and smart money, institutions are ongoing to pour dollars into ICO’s and blockchain projects in spite of of the down turn in the stand market.

One of my favorite individual strategies is to specialize into strong ICO projects as a hedge against possible down turns in the market.

The motivation why it’s a good get around is that you’re getting your Ethereum or Bitcoin peg to the new token at a specific price.

Example: if I were to devote into an ICO in January, but the funds are locked up for 6 months, the token price would have been pegged to Ethereum when it was esteemed at $1,000 — $1,200. The ICO then conclude and Ethereum dropped from $1,200 USD to $400 USD by April.

In this instance, if the token price is double the price that you initially bought it when it finally hits the market, you didn’t just twice over your money. You actually made 600% go back on your investment due to the instability on Ethereum.

I like ANKR as both a short term turn over as well as a long term seize.

ANKR is a new blockchain framework with that combines a new consensus protocol with trusted hardware for a better Distributed Cloud Computing technology.

Ankr's innovations include:
1- Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) Consensus Protocol
2- Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC) Platform
3- Seamless interface of oracle service
4- Multi-chain structure supporting consortiums


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