Looking for the secrets

I find it quite curious that there are quite a few participants of the cryptocurrency space that are looking for some secrets, the hidden knowledge that allowed the whales to become whales in the first place. I mean, it's not that I don't understand the appeal, of course I do, but in truth there is no such thing as a holy grail.

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No doubt there are some investors or should I say speculators that have access to privileged information. But, this unfairness, if we can even call it that, is not exclusive to cryptocurrencies and has been part of the legacy economic markets for as long as they've existed. In other words, the concept of insider trading is nothing new, and nothing that should surprise anyone.

In one of those lengthy conversations I've had with people who stand on the outskirts of the cryptosphere looking in, I remember a particular person asking me if I was "in with the big guns", in other words, if I had access to privileged information and if that was the reason why I was enthused on the idea of being a cryptocurrency investor. The response as you might suspect, was very anticlimactic, but received with skepticism.

You see, everyone wants to know the outcome to the game, but not everyone is willing to play it. The irrational position of dreaming of winning the lotto, while never purchasing a ticket, is a common state of mind of those who are only looking for the free lunch. Work? What work?

If you've found yourself at some point in time within your journey looking for "the secrets", for the cabals, let me tell you that all that energy you might be spending into your futile quest, might be better spend educating your mind. I don't know who said it best, but I happen to agree profusely with the statement.

"Knowledge is empowerment, and it's the only thing that can truly keep FUD away"

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