HODL assistance for the flailing ones

Remember that one time you wanted to learn how to play the guitar and you said. "Ok, I wanna learn how to do it" - and BOOM it happened. Next thing you know two minutes later you are ripping up a guitar solo of the likes of Santana? Remember? Or that one time, you decided to study for a test and you were feeling worried, so what you did is you didn't try and then BOOM... You passed? Remember?
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Of course you remember, because as we all know. Good things happen to those who don't wait, to those who lack patience. Those always get the upper hand in life. This is exactly how things work and we should all know it by now. As a matter of fact, I remember how my lack of patience also helped me get out of a speeding ticket once. I told the officer straight out - "I'm sorry officer, I know you are doing your job... But, I don't have time for you..." - Guess what? He let me go.

Yes, that is precisely how I remember everything. I even remember giving up all the time and feeling great about it too. Like for instance. I remember this one time I was working on getting a promotion at my old job. The manager (because he was an a-hole obviously) told me a list of things he wanted to see me improve on. I just told him... "WHAT??? IMPROVE... hahahaha you must be an idiot!" - Guess what happened? I got the promotion too.

You see people are so confused about this whole thing. They think that people that have it good in life do so because they worked hard. Obviously this is complete BS and we know it. Everyone who makes it, absolutely everyone who has any level of success practiced - lack of patience. They just don't want to tell us, because then we might want to rain on their game, and that's not acceptable.

I've always said, when the going gets rough. Stop... Yes, that's the right answer. As soon as things don't start going your way, you look at life straight in the face and you say. "YOU WIN!" - BOOOMM!!! - All of the sudden you feel so much better because you don't have to do anything about it. Or better yet, you can throw in the towel, burn down the house, something of that sort. That's always worked.

Like that one time I was in the middle of the ocean right. And I noticed my boat had a leak. I'm what? 4 miles from shore and I'm thinking to myself - "Oh wow... I could sink if i don't do something, the pump is not working" - But then I quickly remembered how this whole thing works. I got smart and did the reasonable thing any man in my position should do. I grabbed the small bucket that I could have used to take the water out and threw it overboard, then I jumped off the boat myself and started swimming.

I waited in the water for hours, because I realized that swimming all those miles would also be work and as we know that's BS. So, I waited and then the coast guard came. It all worked out, because I know how life works. You gotta surrender to it, specially when it demands effort.

All I'm saying is don't forget how life works, because you might be getting confused about it right now....

Much love


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