Its a bathtub full of blood out there...

...Only question is is the bathtub half full or half empty???

The optimists amongst us would say this is the time to scoop up cheap coins. The pessimists are locking the doors to their underground bunkers.

Nathaniel Rothschild famously quipped that the best time to buy was when their was "blood running in the streets." I'd say that the crimson is indeed a flowin'

My own gut feeling is that this market stands a non-trivial, maybe even good chance of getting clobbered over the next day... This viewpoint is being adopted by an increasing number of my robots... Although not a majority, yet... They do the trading, btw, so their collective mind is the opinion that matters! I've relegated myself to just controlling the power cables...

However, there is likely to be a lot of opportunity in this market during whatever comes next (i.e. lots of volatility to gobble up like pac-man). My motto is after all always be trading but that isn't to say there wont be plenty of scary looking mark to market losses along the way.

My thoughts are that the juice is worth the squeeze, but I'm being very cautious and reserve the right to pull the plugs at any time.

Steem had a very interesting pop up to $2.4 over the last few days. Although its pulled back significantly I'm watching Steem closely to see if this aspiring whale comes back over the near term. EOS has stayed pretty stable against Bitcoin and Ether as well and it will be interesting to watch if the uptrend continues after the rest of the crypto market stabilizes.

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