Will the Ban Accounemnet affect TenX(PAY)?

For those who haven't heard, China is banning all kind of ICOs and there will be strict regulation on the currency exchange. In the latest statement by Yunbi, TenX will ceased from trading in its platform and refund will be carry out.

Will this affect TenX?

TenX office is based at Singapore and they have already launch its own card to support the transaction ecosystem. They have also awarded Gold medal for their innovation at Singapore Florin Competition along with OMG which are equally good. The starting point of TenX will be at Q4 2017 where the system will seek to integrate with mobile money and convenience store. And the live version of COMIT will boost the coin confidence as well.


If TenX team is able to follow their strategy with the roadmap, 2018 will be the real starting point for TenX. In the midst of buy and sell right, TenX is one of the project with solid products and recognition. Anything below USD 3 is consider an entry for the coin.

As usual, don't take any of these as investment advice, rather using it as information and do your own research before invest.

Thank you.

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