Recent big boosts of Crypto awarness in media

Max Keiser goes on Alex Jones show on Friday and discusses CryptoCurrency and the state of economics in U.S.A. He makes strong claims to the optimism and effectiveness of crypto currency.

On the other side of the spectrum NBC put's out a basic video on youtube that got seen by thousands talking about what is Ethereum, bitcoin and crypto.

Many big name investors have started talking about it. Investors that conservative people listen too. I myself told many people I knew months ago about crypto and just recently in the last 2 weeks I've had 4 people ask me how to get started.

Many Investing and trading classes around the world are creating or already have created classes for trading and learning about crypto. So ladys and gents lets all hodl together. I myself will be buying alot coins with my fiat right now. Alot of people including myself know that things might take a very sharp turn up in most coins after July. Some coins may be huge surprise and tank. Please be smart out there and don't put everything in one basket.

P.S. Megan Kelly got destroyed

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