Don't miss this investment opportunity - MINIAPPS - Become real business partner.


I found information about this ICO project only a few days ago. For some reason, it is not well known, but in my opinion, it is one of the best investment opportunities at this moment with minimum risk and potentially high profitability. I decided to be a part of it by investing in their tokens, promoting it and using their referral program. So let me tell you what my due diligence told me about MiniApps.

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Technology is here and taking over our lives, but there are still some obstacles that need to be resolved, especially in the business world. Today there are more than 300 million of d SME’s (small and medium enterprises) that can't use all benefits of new technologies because it is too expensive or they don't have the knowledge to use it. MiniApps is offering to deal with a part of that problem with their Chatbots - mobile applications that serves multiple business needs. Chatbots can communicate with business costumers through smartphones or messengers and this way enhance business efficiency and make significant cost savings for its user. The possible usage of chatbot is wide but their main task is connected with customer service, sales & marketing and order processing.

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A chatbot (also known as a talkbot, chatterbot, Bot, IM bot, interactive agent, or Artificial Conversational Entity) is a computer program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods.[1] Such programs are often designed to convincingly simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner, thereby passing the Turing test. Chatbots are typically used in dialog systems for various practical purposes including customer service or information acquisition. Some chatterbots use sophisticated natural language processing systems, but many simpler systems scan for keywords within the input, then pull a reply with the most matching keywords, or the most similar wording pattern, from a database.

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I am the owner of two small restaurants (I really am ;)) and the big part of my business is based on food delivery. I need 4 employees on full time just to take and write food orders. After finding out a possibility that MiniApps is offering to me as an owner I decided to use MiniApps and just 2 employees for the same job. This way I will make great savings of few thousand USD in salaries. There is one more positive thing in this, my restaurants will be recognized like cool places where robots are taking your orders and I can expect some free media coverage. I already can see the headlines; "Bad robots are taking over human jobs" or "I won't be getting wrong toppings on my burger thanks to robots".


When you are developing a big project like MiniApps then you face new difficulties and encounter unexpected problems daily. To know how to deal with problems and continue with your project successful one thing is crucial - EXPERIENCE! And I will tell you just that 3 co-founders of MiniApps have around 80 years (Amazing!) of experience in IT industry, big business, telecommunication... The rest of MiniApps team members CVs also looks pretty impressive and I recommend you to check their Linkedin pages and see for yourself before making your investment decision. When you ad to them MiniApps advisory board then you can be sure that this project in safe hands.

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MiniApps is offering future investors a great deal of becoming a real partner in their already established and profitable business by participating in a token generation event that is going on at this moment. All money gathered through this ICO will be used for business expansion, future development, and marketing. There is big (3 billion USD) and fast-growing market for MiniApps Chatbot and it is expected to double its value in next 5 years. MiniApps team has already developed technology and knowledge to take a significant part of it. Their 49 pages whitepaper is a real masterpiece and this is an example of how good ICO whitepaper should look like. I encourage you to read it before making the investment. You will see their plan on how to take 10% of the market in next few years through a large web of their business partners all around the world.


  • Developed and working application.
  • More than 10 million users worldwide.
  • Over 1 billion messages sent monthly.
  • 5000+ registered development teams.
  • One of the best and experienced teams I have ever seen.
  • A significant number of returning costumers and some major corporate names as Mobile TeleSystems, Alfa-Bank, Tele2...

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It is my opinion that this is rare opportunity to invest in a company through their token generation event (ICO) that already has a final product, making a profit and being managed by the excellent team of professionals. After analyzing all information I could get about MiniApps I can conclude that it is low risk and potentially highly profitable investment. I would like that you make your own due diligence and share your thoughts about this project in the comments below. At this moment you can participate in MiniApps ICO and get 8% discount. I participate in Miniapps referral program so if you want to thank me for writing about this ICO then please use this "MINIAPPS.PRO ICO LIVE" picture to go on their website and get more detail information before making your investment decision. Thank you.


Start - October 18th 2017, 00:00 UTC End - December 19th 2017, 00:00 UTC
Name - MAT (Ethereum based, ERC223)
Price - 1 MAT = 0.01 ETH
Hard cap: 100,000 ETH
Soft cap: $5,000,000
Number of tokens: 20 million (10 million for sale)
*All unsold tokens will be burned
**Owners of token are becoming business partners


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