Creating perfection and making revolution in blockchain marketing - LYDIAN (ICO)


Do you know the story about Mona Lisa and how Leonardo was never satisfied with his masterpiece so he was carrying it with him all the time and working on it to make it perfect? At the end of this story, humanity got the most famous picture in the world - Mona Lisa. The Lydian team developed their own Mona Lisa, deep learning neural network artificial intelligence machine. The only difference is that this modern Mona Lisa is learning all the time by herself and becoming better, faster and more efficient all the time. It is my opinion that the future of blockchain marketing is here and its name is Lydian.

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The Lydian team as blockchain division of Gravity4 Corporate Family is introducing advance digital marketing platform for blockchain world. With 20 years of digital marketing experience and numerous clients from Fortune 500 companies, a Lydian team made more than a billion USD in shareholders value and successfully lead a great number of marketing campaigns all over the world. All this experience merged with their artificial intelligence machine if now offering their services to blockchain community.

Today ICO market is booming and data tells us that average ICO spends up to $500 000 in their digital marketing activities. Methods used for promoting their product are:




ICO teams still use them for their promotion because they don't have better marketing solutions. It is better to have any kind of marketing than no marketing at all. Lydian is here to change this old way of doing business and bring new 21st-century marketing to the blockchain. Lydian deep learning neural network - Mona Lisa will use algorithms and prior behavioral data set analyses to improve results in programmatic media advertising and find the best audience. For a better explanation and all technical details about Mona Lisa and Lydian business plan, I encourage you to read their really well-written whitepaper.


...and after reading it you will probably conclude, just like I did, that Lydian is not a new competitor in blockchain marketing but company bringing new standards and changing the market. From now on everything in blockchain marketing will be done:




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Lydian Token sale is live at this moment and if you decide to invest in this phase you can get 25% discount on your purchase. They already raised over $10 million in private sale for just 72 hours. The Lydian token is going to be used as a payment marker for access to services provided by Lydian platform (LydianCoin SG and the Gravity4 Corporate Family). 1000 Lydian tokens will be required to create a user account as a base for all other required services on the platform. Lydian tokens may at any time be transferred back to LydianCoin SG in exchange for services and products of the platform.

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TOKEN NAME - Lydian (LDN) Ethereum based ERC 20 token

NUMBER OF TOKENS - 40 million (20 million will be sold)

PRICE - $5 = 1LDN

TOKEN SALE DATES - Private presale is finished. Presale is LIVE NOW and Public Crowdsale starts January 30, 2018.

DISCOUNTS - From 25% to 5% in different phases of sale.

HARD CAP - $100 million

*The Lydian token may be purchased using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, ZCash, Waves, fiat currencies, and credit card

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I must say that I feel a little bit uncomfortable writing about Lydian and especially promoting their AI Mona Lisa. Why? Well, exploring their size and all-powerful marketing tools it is absolutely possible that in just a few years (much sooner then some of you think) Mona Lisa will take this from me. She will start writing blogs and articles, translating and commenting on social media plus much more. Mona will do this in all possible languages, in most efficient way, unbelievable fast and favorable for all Lydian users. Let's face it, humans are getting old and inefficient and we are going to be assimilated sooner or later. If this is going to be our future It will be much more comfortable to be assimilated by someone sympathetic like Mona Lisa then some cold and aggressive borg machine.

When we are looking at humans future from the Lydian investors perspective than we can see it as bright and profitable. Just imagine numerous tasks that Mona Lisa will do and all millions of USD she will bring to Lydian, while at the same time, becoming faster, better and more powerful, making Lydian real leader in marketing Industry.




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