Crypto News - Advice from experienced Trader and allround-man. Updated and corrected! 29th of March 2018

Good Greetings to All watching! I hope you enjoy this post. It is a mix between personal intuition thoughts, real knowledge from personal experience in trading and watching the global and national markets. And pure joy of just ranting my thoughts as of 29th of March, 2018 - Clock:

13:16 GMT +1 (+1 more for Summertime)

... credit: Personal photo...

I just want to give my intuition to you guys, as my feelings tell me this might help someone a lot!

I am a well researching individual, and I have 14 years of time, following the Global markets and trends, investing AND getting out of investments (the most important action you have to learn to master).

So... This post is centered around the need to GET OUT of a commodity or even a whole Market, when times are not good for that specific investment.

Lets take a look at coinmarketcap together. Here is the overview, but please browse to yourselves, and get updated as much as you need.

As you can see, this is the 1hour percentage change, 24 hour and 7 DAYS percentage change. The last one, which I marked, is what you can use to learn the overview of the most popular Cryptocurrencies.
Learning from this over time, will give you a great idea of how Stable different coins are. And how they tend to pump and dump. That means, when the investors go together in groups with a lot of financial power (or even with little funds, but great finess and skill in manipulating current trading prices) and put higher and higher Orders on the market, raising the current trading price. Then, when they feel that the limit has been reached very soon, they will start to sell all of the coins THEY hold, at this raised price. It is first after this event, that the market starts to realize this, and the price will then seek to stabilize far below the current price. As noone wants to pay the high price for the coins. This fall in trading price can be quite dramatic in Cryptocurrencies, just like the Price Rise can be explosive!

So the % 7 d (days) colomn is a very great tool, that coinmarketcap gives us for free!

And if you are looking for the most recent developments, maybe you want to find the coins that are raising very quickly in trading price? Then you want to look at the 1 Hour column.. You can press the Column Titles, (% 1h) to arrange it ascending or descending for that category. In my screenshot, I kept the arrangement of Total Market Capitalisation. This is the one everyone knows, where Bitcoin leads from the top, followed by Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash and so on...

So, my advice is to SELL! I have sold some myself, but since I only hold investments that I have made to be standing for 12 months + , I am not going to sell and take the losses now. I do not feel confident that I could sell for example my 1337 or NEM coins now, and still be able to buy them up again at a lower price, which they may very likely reach, BEFORE THEY START RISING UPWARDS AGAIN. Which could be fast as we see time and time again.
So that is the fine balance, we all have to tread! Which coins to sell and just take the losses now, and which to hold for a very long term view, expecting them to quickly become more expensive than they are right now.

This is what many think will happen to Bitcoin and Ethereum! That it is just a question of time before they are up 400 percent again. Well, I doubt you will ever see Bitcoin gain those percentages again. I doubt that Bitcoin will become as popular again as it was in 2016-2017... Only time will tell us. But the safe way is to not hold or buy any Bitcoin, now in time.

The only reason you would have to Hold on to any Cryptos right now is if this can be agreed to:

  • 1 ... You are able to hold on to the coins for at least 6 months, preferably more than 12 months, before selling!

  • 2 ... The coins you hold shows no signs of having been pumped up earlier in history, like Bitcoin and Ethereum and Dash etcetera...

  • 3 ... The coins have been acquired very cheaply, comparing buy-in price to amount of Circulating coins and the general Status of the Coin-project and outrollment of their wallets and other technologies, website quality, informationflow. The more you research the better. You can never get too clever, but most people will remain too uninformed or misinformed !

Okay. So, further thoughts... :

I, personlly like NEM (XEM), Linda, 1337, EVN, SNC, XDN, DGB, BNB, STORM, ORME, MINT, 300, MANA, NANO/XRB.... and many others... There are many serious projects, but also a lot of backyard, teenager startups, that you probably don't want to invest more than 10 dollars in...

I have sold all my Bitcoin and Ethereum and other high-priced coins between December 2017 and February 2018 !

I hold 10 percent of my wealth in USD Tether !

  • I like to buy cryptos that are more like lottery tickets, but with great, serious teams with a lot of ambitions.

  • I am trying to mine some Electroneum with their new Mobile Miner App, which only imitates mining, but STILL GIVES YOU FREE COINS, as if you were mining. That means, you get coins and do not destroy the battery of your Smartphone, nor do you have to recharge it all the time. These coins are worth very few cents right now, but the idea is, that we do not know how this coin will react going into the future. If it becomes extremely popular and used, this imitated mining I do now, would be worth 100-10.000 times (x) more as the years go by. So only question is if you can afford the very low electric consumption right now...

  • I sent my Girlfriend off on the Plane earlier today. Driving the car back through the snow on the highway. That was really intense. A little but extreme, but also made me feel alive. Driving by people who did not drive good enough, who were stuck on the side of the road in the snow, waiting for the towing-car to arrive, or family or friends to take them with them back to a house!
    edit: My Girlfriend is well and safe, she is travelling to the United States for a little over a weeks time...

We had an amazing dinner last evening, which was Sushi to take home! Sushi es extremely healthy and if your tastingsensors are okay, you will find it very delicious! Almost like Candy!
Unfortunately for us, it is also very expensive here in Denmark. There are not much competition to drive down the price, as you would see in Asia. Hope to become a great blogger here, get good income, and eat expensive, healthy Sushi-medicine to become totally healthy again some day!

  • I will also make posts explaining my illnesses in the near future. A sad, but necessary subject to talk about!

Remember to upvote, follow me, comment, and Share this Post by Resteeming !

I hope you understand and enjoy that, I have only your wellbeing to care about!

As we go forward, my popularity will grow here on Steemit. You guys and girls will help me with that!
Then, I recieve more income. Then I make more good posts giving clever, well thought advice and info to all of you. Then you save and earn more money from your investments and keeping your savings (as is the case right now, selling Bitcoin and Ethereum to hold USDT or Euros or other commodities, Silver?, Gold?, Coffee Funds?)

I hope you all understand this and help me by sharing and upvoting! Thank you. Let that be all for now! Lets have a good discussion and more info to come in the comments! I want to keep the post short, decise and easy to understand for all!

And remember. Cold Storage with paper-backup of Private keys is the most secure. Ledger Nano or similar Hardware wallet is secure. Always keep all private keys backed up on paper in a safe place. Preferibly more than one backup!
On Binance and Cryptopia and other exchanges, make sure to be extremely safe in how you access the sites.
Read about 2-factor Authentication, and read about how people have locked themselves OUT OF THEIR ACCOUNT, by not understanding the technology. Then implement it the right way and sleep very well at night!
When you can, withdraw coins to the cryptocurrency's own Wallet platform, backup up private key and doing everything the safe way.

Use only httpS, which is encrypted, when connecting to your accounts.

Do not install Wallet apps or exchanges apps on Android which are NOT OFFICIAL PRODUCTS from the real developers!
DOUBLE CHECK as a habit!

The difference between you having control of your wealth or not is like the difference between 00101 and 00100 ... Remember that. This is fragile. And there are many warriors out there on computers, just looking for their next victim!

Edit - I originally wrote this in a comment but decided it should stand here in the post itself!:

beginning edit
"Another reminder I forgot to tell! ::
Just because you do not hold any Bitcoin or Ethereum does not mean, that you cannot take advantage of USING the platforms!

Say for instance, that you found a very nice used Motorcycle, and when talking with the owner, he tells you that he ONLY accepts Bitcoin as payment for it! .. You are shocked and confused by this, and feel sad that you cannot buy it. But that is not to be sad about.

Everyone can buy Bitcoin at all times! If they have the correct funds and channels of commerce to make it happen!
If you own Euros in some bank account, there are many ways to arrange it so you can buy Bitcoin.
If you own Stocks then you could sell those for Euros or USD and continue to buy Bitcoin with those.
If you hold other Cryptocurrencies it is extremely easy to Buy Bitcoin with those at the current rates.
And, when you do this, you pay the Current rate always, which could be very much lower than what you can Sell Bitcoins for right now.
But I do not KNOW how it will go. These are forecasts and projections as we point out! It is certainly interesting to follow and see!

Comments are very welcome! " - end of edit !

Stay warm out there!

And here a little Gif to visualize the "When you are happy, I am happy mentality..." :) enjoy, I certainly do! :D ;) <3

Love you all!

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