Solve.Care ~ Closed Source Decentralized Healthcare? Or Is It Something Else? No One Knows . . .

Wanna know who else had closed source Cryptocurrency?


Haha, Yeah . . . Remember that dead Meme?

All jokes aside, at first glance the Slove Care team appears like they've got their shit together. The CEO of Solve.Care, Pradeep Goel is even on the 100 most promising entrepreneurs worldwide compiled by Goldman Sachs CE.

That's right! We're so mainstream now we have Wallstreet peeps, vouching for Crypto dudes, my how the times have changed. Inevitable, I suppose.

Now, I'm not saying they're a Ponzi Scheme. Whereas Bitconnect definitely was. Just pointing out the people that proceed Solve in this mindset.

A quick tour of Solve's website shows an active team with an impressive roster of professionals enjoying many years of experience between them. All of Solve's linked socials are pretty active & they engage with the community, often replying to comments pretty quickly.


The CEO, Pradeep Goel, mentioned previously, has even been known to do a live stream from time to time. Which is awesome! Get into Solves Telegram & someone from the team seems to answer no matter the time of day. If anything, they are definitely an engaging company. No one can deny that.

This is where Solve loses me.

This wallet holds 666,149,414 SOLVE Tokens with an estimated value of $200,271,371.13 as of today's date.

ONE wallet holds 66% of the coins.

It was originally rumored to be a Whale but The World Wide Web found this odd & did some digging & discovered it was none other than SOLVE themselves holding the 66%.

When I reached out to Solve on their Telegram they hid behind it being a "Treasury Wallet"

Pradeep Goel's, your Goldman Sachs is showing.

You can't claim to be "Decentralized" while controlling %66 of the market & being closed source. Almost sounds centralized . . . & If you don't see an issue with one wallet holding this much power why are you even in a Decentralized space?

Still not convinced? This is what Tether did with their Treasury Wallet @ this breaking news in the last couple days.

Speaking of "sources". If you happen to go snooping around Solve's GitHub you'll find an abandoned place. Last touched during the cold Crypto year of 2018.

When I first discovered they were open source on GitHub, I thought "niccceee"! That's why we all got into Crypto & Blockchain to start with, right? No one entity controlling the majority of the market, completely transparent, no shady code hidden in the back? Mr. Nakamoto gave us this as a gift to escape these issues & the Goldman Sach's of the world.

But Solve was open source before the ICO . . . After the ICO . . . once they got paid . . . Solve goes dark & moved to close source with no warning.

Apparently, there is an old/outdated White Paper that can be found with some digging, even though I could not find it.

I asked Solve on Telegram if they had a White Paper. I was given a link to a "Light Paper" which is basically a tiny, no info pamphlet in PDF format, of course. It's cute I guess.

The most ironic part in all this is that if Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto, whoever he may be, decided the OG Bitcoin would be Closed Sourced. . . SOLVE.CARE would not exist today.

Mr. Nakamoto, you must return.
We need you now more than ever to remind us what this gift you bestowed upon us was truly for . . . everyone . . .

Heres a great video that covers a lot of these talking points we touched on.

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