Jaxx Wallet Issue

Houston.....We Have A Problem

I'm thrifty, and poor! I'm taking a few pennies here and there and putting them into my LTC. Hopefully one day, I will have saved up enough to be the proud owner of 1 whole Litecoin. Yesterday, I thought I had nothing! I freaked! I did everything a good crypto manager would have done in the case of a wallet "burp." 

I reset my cache. I checked all the transaction ID's, the block, keys, etc. It looked really strange. My fiat was there and correct, but I had no LTC tokens. All I saw was 0.00000000. I got a hold of my crypto guru, who made sure I had checked all of the above steps. The ID's were even showing 0.0 tokens sent, but the cash balance was correct. Obviously, the tokens were sitting in cyberspace somewhere, but all of the current tokens disappeared with it. Then, my transaction became part of some bigger transactions. It looked like I sent 49 LTC somewhere, which I didn't even have that much...Weird! Definitely a hiccup in the system. The confirmations on this transaction are still going up....burp!

Calm Down, Kimmy..........

As a last resort late last night, I sent off  emails to both Blocktrades and Jaxx. Blocktrades confirmed where the tokens were sent and it was indeed my wallet. Then I got this email above from Jaxx. I thought I should share it here, because I haven't seen the issue posted here....yet! 

The first thing I did last night when I noticed the issue, was search in Steemit for an article that maybe there was an issue and didn't see one. However, I did see posts over the last 8 months about Jaxx issues....comforting....Not! I have very little invested now, but what about when I do? Glad I'm only dabbling in small trades now, just to get my feet wet. It's also showing me that I need to carefully consider a wallet source if I'm going to grow with this game here. 

Freaked out Noob! 

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