The Gradual Death of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is in the process of being killed or more specifically, the term "cryptocurrency" is. According to Tim Enneking, writing for CoinDesk, its time to retire the term "cryptocurrency" and instead describe the entire cryptocurrency sector as "crypto assets". It just makes more sense.

He elaborates by saying:

"Related to this shift is the fact that, when bitcoin was effectively the only game in town, aficionados touted it as a "dollar replacement", or at least a supplement – but the target was clearly displacing, to one degree or another, fiat currencies. Now, however, with the emphasis on blockchain, ethereum contracts, Ripple bank transfers, etc, etc, cryptocurrencies are becoming more a transaction enabler than the transaction itself. Their use as currencies, per se, is clearly decreasing."

Why does it even matter what we call it? Because according to Enneking, "perception is reality".

He continues saying that, "If we want to attract more investors and users to the crypto universe, then we need those investors to quickly and easily understand what the space offers. Mislabeling (or, at least, too narrowly labeling) the space doesn't help. The name also inevitably affects how those of us already in the space view it, and ourselves, as well."

So here we are talking about the death of cryptocurrencies...but from a much different angle than the mainstream skeptics would. What we are talking about here is the broadening of the term itself.

Crypto assets works better probably because lets face it: cryptocurrencies are rapidly shifting away from simply being a medium of exchange.


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