Kick ICO -3 in 1 solution for ICO, Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting



Mission of kick ICO is to support Entrepreneurs, gamers, visionaries, future thinkers, to supports their ideas. Whether they are living at any location, origin or have any status

Decentralization, cryptocurrency and smart contracts are creating revolution

They are providing new and effective ways to fundraising but the system currently has certain problems for Creators (Persons creating the Campaigns) and Backers (Persons supporting the campaigns)

Current Problems

  • Presence:-Crowdfunding is limited to certain regions whole global presence is not there.
  • High Fees – High fees which ultimately reduces the overall collection for the start of the project and most of the projects fail because of this reason
  • Many Projects Fails:-Lot of hidden cost are present
  • Lack of Technical Know how about the Blockchain and Ethereum Smart contract also hinders the projects of the Creators

Solution Kickico

It's a 3 in 1 solution for ICO, Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting


  • Fundraisers gets technical assistance
  • Backers with additional tokens in the form of Kick Coins thereby minimizing there risks
  • Giving an Ecosystem known as Kickonamy were kickcoins will be accepted.

Advantages of Kickico

  • They already have a working project it's not just a concept.
  • Kickico removes redundancy for the Creators they need not start everything from scratch
  • Campaign creators not only fee is reduced by paper work and dependencies on third parties for development and translation is also taken care off.
  • It helps backer by providing them kickcoins each time they invest in a particular project.
  • Provides the backer kick currency when they support any campaign they receive kickcoins as well along with the coins received from the campaign. Thereby protecting them.
  • Kickico wants to form a community which will solves the problems of creators the backers of ico and wants to launch a single platform to streamline the process and make in more efficient and problem free
  • Provides financial benefits in the form of low fees to the creators
  • In many projects the campaign creators need not launch their own currency
  • Provides crowdinvesting
  • Kickonomy is the new system in which kick coin can be used for payments of various services
  • Users data is also kept safe by the kickico

Kickico is the solution for Creators Backers investors and it will make Fundraising a more simplified and trustworthy process in the future.

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