The Next Big Thing in Crypto!


What's The Big Idea!

I love the crypto world. I love the possibilities. I love the fact that the big boys of finance don't own it (yet!).
I love the fact that an average joe can make a small fortune in this game, with a little bit of foresight and a prevailing wind.

I read just about everything I can. I'm constantly looking for the next opportunity. The next "Big Thing!"
And here's the problem. I think I might just have found it. No, I know I have found it.

But there's a paradox.
It needs investors. But to get investors, the idea needs sharing. But by sharing it, I'm making the idea available to anybody that has the money to go ahead without needing investors.
You see. Whatever way I look at this, unless I can make it happen without other people's money, I can't move it ahead. Hell I can't even search the web for information. Because there are people who look at what people search for, just so they can try and steal the next big thing.

So, what do I Steemians? I'd love some input from you all. As I've racked my brains.

And, as always, Steem On



made with [esteem](

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