Suppoman Vs Brandon Kelly - Red markets and boiling point!

Well, what can I say about today? I didn't see that coming, and I haven't found anyone that has yet..

I finished work at 16:15, it's been a busy, I sat in the car park and looked at my Blockfolio account... Ouch, bad vibes in the markets.

I am not going to even go into what I think is happening, some news outlets say market correction, some say this is big traders taking their profits out. Honestly, right now, I don't even know what to make of it.

These bad vibes have been shared in a market reflecting bear-fight between two Crypto YouTube figures - Brandon Kelly and Suppoman.

Find BK's video here:

Brandon Kelly did make some points which could've been denied or argued in return by Suppoman, but Suppoman chose not to. The accusatory video by Brandon Kelly, was ended by BK going into some chart work, this at least meant that his regular viewers got something out of it after the initial rant..

The repost by Suppoman was what I imagine a toddler pissed on milk would come up with, after having his nicest rattle knocked out his hand. There was no Crypto content. Not only did he cross the PC line, and demonstrate his contempt for people suffering mental health issues, he also displayed his homophobic attitude on more than one occasion. There is a reason guys like this are not on TV, because he cannot regulate his personality or temper. Suppoman has a great audience, and had a great opportunity to refute the assertions by BK, demonstrate that he is not, as his accuser sets down, a fake. Instead...

There was an irony to his pointless profanity filled rant, he claims that his opponent, is responsible for;

1:14 - "destroying the Crypto currency market."

He further went on to;

3:40 - Homophobic comment 1 . - Marginalise homosexuals. Then a bit more;

8:14 - "The only reason I'm bringing out a video about you is because I want people to know just how stupid, the other Cryptocurrency traders and YouTubers are." - Way to marginalise another set of people.

And then - irony of the day....

9:04 - "Even in a bear market like this, where hardly anything is going up, and it's a risky time to trade, I don't come on here, and make lame ass videos, slagging other people off.."

Erm, yes you do, that is exactly what your video is!!!!! Followed by a bit more crass, ignorant behaviour;

9:53 - Homophobic comment 2. Derogatory.

sad bear.jpg

Suppoman, I cannot say anymore, I am grateful for what I learned from your course, available at;

However, Suppoman, my Cryptocurrency hero just died. And for all the valuable information there is for beginners, I can't actually condone, the ad hominem retort to BK and the hateful rant using homosexuality as a derogatory item. Shame on you.

In my most humble opinion, you need to apologise to people with mental health issues, you need to apologise to homosexuals, and you need to apologise to your fans and supporters who tuned in to see how to survive the Monday Bear market, but instead got to see a 10 minute logical fallacy rant about not being a loser and ranting about other traders and YouTubers.

Grow up and get back to why people like you, your narcissistic wounding was evident and your personality disorder is now immortalized on YouTube. You have no need to answer those like Brandon Kelly with personal attacks, keep your cool and refute their arguements, taking it Kardashian and playground just made you look like the fool.

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