The Problem of Mass Blockchain Adaptation. Aergo Will Develop a Blockchain Solution for Corporations and Will Help to Integrate it Into Current Business Processes.


What seemed incredible 20 years ago has now become part of our daily lives. Blockchain became a find of the 21st century. Despite its great potential, the blockchain faces a number of problems that prevent its mass use.
At the moment, the use of blockchain technology at the corporate level is still a problem. A blockchain projects are strong in theory and develop really interesting technologies, but in practice these technologies cannot be used.

A Corporate Blockchain Must Meet Many Requirements.

  • Scalability. The corporate blockchain must scale both vertically and horizontally to meet this requirement.
  • Interoperability. Corporate blockchain should work with all interfaces.
  • Data Confidentiality. Companies give priority to the security of customer data and other confidential information.
  • Software and administration. Aspects such as backup, export and import, logging, monitoring and data transfer play an important role in the corporate environment, which is overlooked by public blockchains.
  • Data storage. Smart contracts are the basis of the corporate blockchain functionality, there is a need to create decentralized apps for the corporate blockchain, so that the enterprise is more independent and has full functionality for data storage.

Fortunately, the Aergo project not only takes into account all the above requirements, but also integrates all the tools necessary for their implementation into its ecosystem.

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The aim of the Aergo team is to promote the corporate blockchain, create and implement such business solutions that are easy to apply in practice, not just to portray on paper.

The platform will provide opportunities for developers to create their own decentralized applications on the cloud. Moreover, developers will also be able to integrate previously used, including outdated applications. All platform tools will be easy to combine and adapt.

In my opinion, Aergo chose the right strategy - they are not trying to create a new super cool product from scratch, but offer to use a ready – made and proven- COINSTACK, developed by Blocko Inc. At the moment, blockchain solutions from Blocko are used by more than 25 million people. The developers plan not only to upgrade it for their own purposes, but also to create a whole ecosystem around it for companies,developers and ordinary users. They create a blockchain 4.0.

Developments Prospects.

The Aergo project is under the strict guidance of a team of professionals, mostly from the Blocko project, who had a successful experience in creating blockchain solutions for such enterprises as Samsung, Amazon, Microsoft and IBM. The project is based on an interesting and necessary idea, and the market coverage is huge. In this regard, the project was supported by large funds, making major investments during the ICO. The presence of an existing customer base from Blocko also gives hope for success.

You can read more about the project Aergo on my Medium Blog.


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