Akropolis. Alternative Pension System.


According to open sources, the lifespan on Earth has been rising steadily since the end of the Second world war. This is due to the living standards improvement and progress in the medicine field in most developed countries of our planet.
The world economy simply cannot withstand the financial pressure exerted by pensioners. Legislators haven't yet come up with anything more effective than reducing the number of pensioners by raising the retirement age. Any sane person understands that with this tool, the problem cannot be solved. There is a need for changes that can adapt the existing outdated pension systems to the realities of modern life.

A promising project called Akropolis is designed to eliminate the shortcomings of pension systems, which everyone will have to face sooner or later. The developers offer a comprehensive solution that will give people confidence in a decent old age.

New Generation Pensions. Make Your Choice.

Young people value freedom and prefer freelance. They don't have to count on state pension in such conditions. The developers of Akropolis understand this very well and focus on so-called private pensions. The point is that in his youth a person makes deductions, which are used in old age. The main problem is the lack of trust of people to companies that provide the opportunity to use the funded programs. Akropolis will be the link between funds and users, using blockchain to achieve maximum transparency.

Users will be able to manage their pension on their own, based on their capabilities and expectations. The funds will be able to offer their pension programs to people. Third-party developers will take part in the improvement of the platform, who will be able to earn on it. In addition, the services of various audit and accounting companies will be available to users and suppliers. From the list of funds and pension plans it will be possible to choose the most suitable one. The use of blockchain technology eliminates the possibility of cheating people by companies-providers of funded programs. And all this is Akropolis.


Development Plans.

The project was launched in 2017, and the fully operational platform will be ready in two years. There is no reason not to believe the development team, because they are commanded by experienced people with an impressive experience in investment funds and large companies.

The Ethereum blockchain, which will be used at the beginning of development, will provide transparency of all transactions, operations and transactions. In the future, the developers plan to migrate to their own blockchain hybrid, collected from the best developments of existing blockchains.


The project is ambitious and promising. Thanks to a fresh and unique idea among other ICO it has no competitors. Akropolis deserves support at least for the fact that it seeks to make people's lives better, minimize financial costs, eliminate bureaucracy. And where to spend the free time – people will decide on their own.

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