The charts have little value today

First off this isn't investment advice and in all seriousness I am a noob in the market.

I first got into Cypto when i saw ETH was at 262 wow what a steal I thought. I didn't realize then what I realize today that the old charts don't hold the same value they used to. In the past week the total Market cap has gone down to 83 billion and I believe in the long term we will far surpass the old numbers.

A lot of money has left the market is people scared to buy or are more inclined to sell at a greater loss than normally they would. I believe some people are scared to buy and have short term plans for a market that is still very much in its infant stage.

The charts form the baseline that show the community support of the coin at that price I see those baselines blown up as you can't really go by them anymore. At least until the market somewhat recovers and we form new baselines the market will be more unstable then normal.

What i am doing is buying coins that are longer term investments that i plan to keep buying more of.

Like I said i am pretty new to cypro and is a guppy in the big ocean of it all ,but I am living and learning more each and every day.

2015-08-30 17.05.07.jpg

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