Investing MOAR in crypto

So, I'm new to the world of crypto currencies. I'm a college student, and I recently started making $11.25 an hour working part-time, which is wonderful, but needless to say, I don't have too many liquid assets I can invest.


Here's my very amateur portfolio. As you can see, I tested the waters by putting a little (actually $2) into NXT, Siacoin, and Factom, all off which were profitable endeavors, but some more than others.

Anyway, I want to put some more money into crypto, but I feel really conflicted about buying more Bitcoin now with the price so high, so I can buy other currencies with that, and there doesn't seem to be a way to buy smaller currencies with USD. And I really don't want to move what little bitcoin I have given how well it's doing. Should I just bite the bullet and buy more?

So, if any of you crypto-gurus have some suggestions, advice, or the like, I'd be much obliged. I'm probably looking at putting $200 - $500 more into this.

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