Crypto Review #1 Power Ledger (POWR)

Hello Steemians!

For the last couple weeks I've been wondering how I can contribute to the Steemit Community. I love writing poetry and talking about entrepreneurship but recently I started doing something else that I believe would lend even more value to the community.

I'm on a mission to find the best cryptoassets. I've thus come up with a criteria for assessing different projects within the space and will complete 1-2 reviews each week. My thinking is that crypto projects are very much like startups, 90% will fail. 9% will be useful, helpful and profitable. 1% will be exceptional. This is my journey to find the Top 1%.

I read every whitepaper in its entirety, research every team member, check every Github, every Reddit, join every Telegram and more. I put about 10 hours of dedicated research into each project. My criteria is far from finished but I've decided to get started right away. You can expect it to improve as time goes along. Would definitely appreciate comments and suggestions to make my reviews better! Enjoy!


Asset - Power Ledger (POWR)

Date - Saturday January 6th 2018

Price - $1.66US (

Exchanges Available - Binance, Cryptopia, Bittrex, KuCoin

What is it? - Energy trading platform that allows consumers with solar panels on their roof to sell their excess energy to their neighbors.

Does it solve a real problem? - Yes, it allows people who’ve invested in solar panels to earn extra income via hardware they’ve already paid for easily. It also allows persons who haven’t purchased solar panels to easily purchase cleaner, cheaper energy directly from their neighbors saving them time and money.

Has anything been built, deployed or tested? - Yes, Power Ledger has already built it’s own private blockchain, ‘EcoChain’ which works atop the Ethereum blockchain. They have also deployed hardware and have run 2 large scale tests. One locally in Australia where they’re based and the other in New Zealand. The tests were successful and proved that through their solution, someone with excess power could sell that power securely to someone who wanted to buy it.

Does it have a whitepaper? - Yes, Rating: 9/10

Clear and consistent message? - Yes, Rating: 9/10

Knowledgeable and capable team? - Yes, Rating: 10/10

Sustainable long term business model? - Yes, Rating: 9/10

Does it add REAL VALUE to users? - Yes, Rating: 10/10

Is this project likely to be around in the next 2-5 years? - Yes

Do I believe enough in the project that I can publicly support or back the project? - Yes

Can I identify any immediate, or major risks with the project before they can achieve their objectives? - No

Is this project geared towards short term trading (flipping) or long term growth (holding)? - Holding

I'm looking for the Top 1% of all cryptoassets. If you'd like me to do a review on a cryptoasset you like, leave me a comment! Be sure to include an explanation of why you like a particular asset. I'm very open to improving my criteria over time so if you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it!


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