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Will fiat currency die...

Can fiat currency actually die ?

Government controlled money, a way to concentrate wealth and give power to a few hand selected people. 40% of all U.S. money is controlled by less than 1% of America. Can this be the ultimate demise of the dollar? Can this huge gap of the wealth create massive disparity. Similarly in 1937 America was in the same situation. Populism and tensions were growing massively. Even after the great depression in 1929 America dealt again with another crisis in 1937. This led to a more socialistic government. The Tax rate was above 90% and social security was first established around this time.
This time we are in a bit of a different situation. We have an emerging technology known as blockchain that is shaping the way we transfer value to eachother. The early boom of the cryptocurrency revolution could not come at any more perfect time then now. The global economic outlook is in a situation, were we are in as much debt than we have ever been before. Americas current financial markets are all in a bubble; with securitized debt at $66 trillion, the equity market around $44 trillion, and the derivative market which is over $120 trillion. All these huge bubbles will come crashing down with the fate of the dollar crashing down too. The measly $300 billion cryptocurrency market will be the only thing that will still actually have value, and most people with a brain will be running to the only valuable currency left.

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