What is cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency. It's value is very volatile, moving up and down depending on its demand and supply, much like the behavior of shares in the stock market. This property makes it a valuable investment market.
The major properties of cryptocurrency include;

Anonymosity: this means that your identity is not known on the blockchain. Nobody knows your name, location, sex & other private information. This also means that you can not know who you trade & exchange with on the blockchain.

Volatile: the value of cryptocurrency is not stable and solely depends on demand & supply. No individual has the power to fix it's price whosoever.

Decentralized: this is the most important feature of cryptocurrency. They are not owned by any organization or government, can not be controlled by any government, has no physical location, it is not taxed etc. That's why it's often nickname "The People's Currency"

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