DOGEZER: Hope For Software Start-ups!

Software development is the solution to man's unending challenges, and those challenges should have been a thing of the past in this 21st century; however in recent times, there has been an uncontrollable decay of software start-ups, even before they are able to find their feet. Causes of this failure include "scarce resources, inconsistency between managerial strategies and execution, and lack of experience to pull through"(Giardino, et. al, 2015).

In Africa, it is much worse, as development and lack of technical-know-how cripples these start-ups to a point of no return. I remember teaming up with a group of Engineers to put an idea to work, we struggled to raise resources for funding, but in the end, it couldn't see the light of day. Why? Inexperience!

So imagine a platform in which a software Engineer can comfortably gain access to and builds his idea. Imagine that on the platform, he is able to team up with people from all over the world. He/she then thinks of funding, and that is covered already; without the hassle of trying to raise funds, he sells the idea via that platform, and in no time, the requisite funds is available. Imagine starting a software business without having to borrow, or run into debts of any kind.

Stop imagining for a second, because that platform already exists! The answer is Dogezer!

Dogezer is primed to change the software start-up space, because founders can leverage the time alleviated from financial burden, and convert it positively into making innovations to provide a better outcome for the project.

To make it even more effective, having all necessary tools to excel, as well as working with a professional team, benefits the project in the following ways;

-- There is a large pool of ideas, as more heads equal more positive tweaks.

-- Presence of necessary tools aids team coordination, as goals can easily be set with a corresponding timeframe, and input yields commensurate output.

-- Progress is easily measured, and with co-founders as experienced as Dogezer, the chances of failure are almost inexistent.

The end to tech start-ups failure is here, Dogezer is the future, and the future is now!!

Raring to go? Then here's your ticket:


C. Giardino, S. Bahia, X. Wang, P. Abrahamsson(2015). Key Challenges in Early Stage Software

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