Alttex: Cryptocurrency on the go!

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The Quest To Make Things Better

Over the years, man has always had that innate drive to make things better, even when it seemed like a dead-end had been reached & there was no going forward from that point. The quest for perfection, although with its negatives & constantly dividing opinion amongst different class of people, can be credited for the mind-boggling achievements that man's prolonged stay on this planet with ever-increasing possibilities has brought about. This explains the total evolution of many inventions, which from their coining, have slowly and steadily been modified to what they are today.

Take for instance, when the father of computer, Charles Babbage, invented the first mechanical computer in the 1800s, the whole world must have worshipped at his feet; because in their time, that was an invention to change the whole face of computing, and from that point, it was hard to conceive a modification on that. But look at where we are today, we have the desktop computer; then a notch smaller with the laptop; then even more sophisticated with the advent of PC notebooks & tablets that could be carried around without notice. What has brought all these advancements? Man's quest to make something good, even perfect.

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Let's take it a notch higher to something everyone of us could relate to, and that is the seemingly non-ending evolution of the mobile phone. From the invention and demonstration in the 1970s of the first handheld cellular mobile phone, which weighed about 2kg (maybe it was used for gyming), through to the 2G digital cellular technology launched in the early 1990s, to the 3G technology introduced in the early 2000s, up until where we find ourselves today; you'll agree that it took hardworking, dedication and a 'quest' for these advancements to become a reality.

I remember that time clearly, when my Dad had this Nokia 3310 and a Motorola C series; we as his kids, I repeat, his own blood, dared not touch those phones, because of the expensive cost to own such. All that is in the past these days, and it's common to see 10-year olds own phones; not just any type of phone, but sophisticated and expensive phones.

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Not only has the quest to go one step better brought about sophistication in the next generation of mobile phones launched, it has also made the commodity to come in several ranges; thus, affordable even to the common man on the streets of Ouagadougou or the wealthy stock broker up in Wall Street.

Apart from the above-mentioned; cars have been modified, with recent times giving us auto-piloted vehicles, and the quality of almost everything being modified a step upwards.

Man's thirst for betterment brings us up, close and personal to a world of endless possibilities, and everytime I visualize the possible modifications to everything I have in my possession, I say a silent prayer that I may live forever.

I'm beginning to dream, and in the words of a popular Bank in Africa,

One day, cars will walk on water.

This would never happen, if man's quest for making perfect, something that's already good dies off.

The Challenge

The essence of mobile phones cannot be overemphasized as almost every household across the face of the earth can boast of at least one. That's why an online publication stated that;

Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, such as keeping in touch with family members, for conducting business, and in order to have access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Some people carry more than one mobile phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. Multiple SIM cards may be used to take advantage of the benefits of different calling plans.

Culled from here

However, when we talk about smart phones, our expectations go up a notch higher to accommodate internet data communication; ability to run applications, either pre-installed, or potentially downloaded; access to mobile payment, and possibly games; the list is endless. More recently, innovations like cruptocurrency and other means of online earning has converted our smartphone into a mobile office for many, that houses critical information that could make or break an individual.

We can state categorically that, today's mobile solutions have been a blessing to many who cannot afford the cost that accompanies maintaining a desktop; furthermore, the easy mobility smart phones afford it's users aids it's use. In addition, data compatibility, and other factors work together in its favor. However, with respect to cryptocurrency, noteworthy gaps still exist.

  • A Little Blip

Ever since I was introduced to, and subsequently ventured into the world of cryptocurrency, I had noticed that many exchange platforms have simpler, easy-to-use desktop solutions, compared to what they have on offer for smartphones.To make matters worse, the Mobile Apps are often complex, and the bug-fixes not of the best quality, often resulting in the apps freezing at will.

In earnest, having different wallets for coin types and tokens has been a major setback for me in this fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, because it culminates in too many passwords and loses of deals, just because I have to manage many platforms and applications, which are slow and annoying. More detrimental is the fact that I cannot solely depend on my mobile phone, a problem that should not exist at this time.

Another aspect of note is security, which is very important. Common exchange platforms available to us now have not invested adequately in security for it's users, a trend which must be curtailed for the benefit of users.

I once heard someone say that;

The smallest blips make the biggest difference.

True, you'll agree!!

Many users want a platform that'll integrate every possibility in one, saving them stress and making their smartphone much more effective for the crypto market. What happened to man's quest to make good things even better?!

The question on the lips of many is; "who'll bell the cat?"

Alttex: The Complete Package


Alttex is a one-stop cryptocurrency application for mobile that virtually incorporates all the possibility there is at this point in time, into one. The above listed challenges, alongside the ones not listed are potentially at their end.

According to the team;

It is a full mobile cryptocurrency platform containing a decentralized exchange, a crypto-messenger and a Smart Safe, which will give users the ability to fully control their cryptocurrencies through mobile devices; whether it is exchanging, shopping or chatting.

In concise terms, it is a platform that enables it's users to track the fluctuations of prices in the market, create a chat room to discuss these & it's safe enough for one to worry less.

The Altexx Innovation

The team had discussed on the possibility of making incorporating all the 'good' options into one by adopting the latest Blockchain technology, yet still remaining open to modifications and adoption of newer technological advancements in the nearest future, like Atomic Swap, Ethereum, 0x protocol, Dogethereum, amongst others.

The platform affords opportunity for;

What great joy it is to trade over a platform, without the need to go through a middle man, or having to pay any intermediate fee. It gives both buyer and seller full control of their resources and money likewise. They are cheaper because of the complete elimination of intermediates, and they are safer because there are no third-parties in the fund-transfer process. The decentralized exchange provided is just perfect fit.


Who needs to take risks without having to discuss with more experienced heads? For me as a cryptography person, the option of chatting over the platform, and potentially join chat rooms where curves which I barely understand are analysed, would help me better maximize the crypto world.

Also, buyers and sellers can communicate to negotiate pricing; friends can keep tabs on turn of events, without it having to interfere with their quest to make money online. The platform also allows for online calling, charged from cryptography balance, and users get a token for received calls. Earning all the way!


Many of us have this challenge, particularly in areas where the process of converting coins to raw cash is tedious; we see items we like online, and hope that one day, we could pay with crypto. That challenge has been catered for.

Why have money when you can't spend it? Join Alttex and reap bountifully.

The possibilities that abound are endless, with the platform also providing safety through the Alttex Alt Safe which allows a user to manage all his balances in the same wallet, to aid quick transactions and reduce the risks of holding multiple passwords.

In summary, Alttex innovation has changed the face of the game as it totally aids the interaction of users with cryptography on their mobile; it affords adequate consistency on-the-go!

So Alex, who is a cryptocurrency expert and doubles as a Realtor, doesn't need to bother about using his laptop to check his wallets; all he needs is his phone, so he can be in control.

Sandy, a college student always glued to her phone, can convert the 'glue' to requisite income, without moving out of her comfort zone.

Janelle, a mother of 2 wonderful boys, who is currently a stay-at-home mother, and loves to invest in crypto, can comfortably stay at home, without going broke; all she needs is her internet-enabled mobile phone.

Alttex quest to make things even better has paid off. Let's make money on the go!!

If you love videos, then watch this Alttexx YouTube

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