How to Earn a Passive Income with Crypto

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Ok I’m going to get only slightly personal with this video today.

Many of you have wondered how the heck I am able to afford traveling to cool places while at the same time having the time and energy to research and produce the videos on this channel.

First of all, budgeting is very real in my life, but I was also hungry to find a way to earn an income without having to spend my time at a job that I really wasn’t too enthusiastic about.

Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of jobs that fall into this category.

When I discovered crypto in 2014 I knew it was big, but I underestimated how directly it would change my life

I learned about Bitcoin years ago during my time spent searching for ways to maintain a successful blog.
I spent a couple years dedicated to creating great content for my blog. I did copious amounts of research on how to win with the affiliate game and proper SEO technique, but that always left me feeling like nothing more than an under appreciated tool for the companies I needed if I wanted any hope of compensation for my beloved blog.

Because I was already very familiar with Bitcoin, when I came across it was like the light at the end of the tunnel for me.

It was the beginning of my journey discovering how crypto and blockchain tech could be the tool that liberates bloggers.
At that point in my life I was struggling to pay my cell phone bill and then I was paid 24 hours after my first post.
There are many factors that add up to the success that I found on Steemit, and I’m not trying to convince you that it will be your end-all, be-all solution for money woes.

Don’t get me wrong, it could be, but more importantly it’s an option that allows you to earn some crypto without having to invest your money.

Steemit is great, and what it represents is a shift in how things can work, this time, for your benefit.

Now with the prices of so many cryptocurrencies rising, that old familiar feeling of FOMO might be creeping in, so let me show you how you can earn these cryptos that are rising in value.

I’ll be covering these projects in more detail in future videos but here are some ideas to get your own creativity flowing in the meantime

  • For content creators of all types there are blogging type platforms like Steemit
  • Video and music oriented platforms like LBRY, and SingularDTV
  • There’s also Brave, which enables websites to receive funding from those who frequent their sites.

And then there are the more passive type incomes you can earn by merely holding certain cryptos in the right type of wallet.
These options include (but aren't limited to):

With the decentralized internet comes the notion of decentralized storage.
There are platforms that allow you to rent out your unused disk space for payments of their coins, you can do this with: *

Lastly there are the prized masternodes, these are often times quite expensive to get since they require you to own large amounts of the certain crypto and you will need to lock these up if you want to get paid. But I’ve found a cool site that shows you how to find affordable masternodes.

Again, I will be diving much deeper into each of these categories to give you a better idea of how these platforms work and what is needed for you to get paid.

So in the meantime feel free to look into any of these options if they appeal to you.

Additional Reading/Sources:

List of Masternodes

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