Introducing Hashers: Bringing cryptocurrency mainstream

What is Hashers?

At first I was not at all interested in cryptocurrency.  I used to be more a creator, musician, graphic designer with an interest for science and tech.   But once I got a grasp of what blockchain is, I couldn't sleep for two days.  I found it so mindbogglingly.  It could bring a shift on many areas in the world the next 5 years.   

At the moment we don't see much in the mainstream news about cryptocurrency while governments and banks around the globe are now involved.  There is more going on what most of us don't notice.   

I feel so positive about the positive influence of blockchain technology, that I support the blockchain technology to go mainstream.  I believe in some way blockchain will bring power to the people's voice.  There will be less room for dictature. That's why I started Hashers.  Hashers is a website,  that provides cryptocurrency-tips, -info and -reviews in laymen's terms so that even your neighbour could start diving into this matter.  


What's there to find on Hashers? 

For now we can find the following: 

  • Lexicon of cryptocurrency.   Instead of coming with definitions, I brought in quotes from Bitcoin talk.  This way we get a broader view of each term, and how we use it in real life.  
  • Cryptoportal.  A bunch of link categorized; Mining, cryptocurrency news, Charts, Exhanges, user revieuws, graphs for coins like 1ST, ARK, BAT, BNT, BTX, etc.  
  • Blog: How to mine Bitcore, How to register for Bitcore's airdrop, review of Aurora Mine and Qoinpro. 
  • Chat with occasionaly airdrops announced.   

And where can we find Hashers? 

You can find Hashers here:  

What is the roadmap?

More blogs, create a community (preferably of more people believe blockchain technology will do good),  provide info, tips and reviews for traders, airdrop catchers, bounty hunters and neighbours.  

Regards and succes, 



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