Loci - Platform for Intellectual Property Discovery and Mining

There is an opinion that a patent obtained in any particular country provides legal protection of the invention all over the world. However, the effect of the rights to an invention or utility model extends exclusively to the territory of the country in which the patent was issued. In addition, one of the most common misconceptions among applicants is the notion of an "international patent", which in reality does not exist.

Thus, it is worth emphasizing once again that to protect the invention abroad it is necessary to conduct a separate patent procedure in each country of interest.

There are two procedures for foreign patenting: the national, the same convention (the Paris Convention), and the international one.

In addition to the main difference in terms, the international patenting procedure for the international patent system has a number of other differences, such as the availability of an international search report.

Conducting an international search and international preliminary examination. The applicant has the opportunity to get acquainted with the most relevant documents listed in the international search report, as well as with the written conclusion of the international preliminary examination, based on the results of which it is possible to assess the patentability of the invention and the advisability of further patenting. In case of inconsistency of the claimed invention with the criteria of patentability, it is possible to make changes to the application even at the international phase. This allows to prevent or significantly reduce the possible costs associated with the need to make changes to the application materials in response to requests for expertise in each of the national / regional offices. In addition, the positive results of the international search report and the international preliminary examination are an authoritative source for the examination bodies in national departments, which often leads to a faster and less expensive procedure at the national phase.

Loci invented, patented and launched the InnVenn platform, which reconstructs the search and preliminary examination mechanisms. The user platform Loci aggregates all possible data for search queries that allow users to recognize the location of new inventions and ideas. This process is a patented system built on a unique combination of contextual search, intellectual analytics, machine learning, heuristics, Bayesian statistics.

Search is only the beginning. Own process of machine learning Loci takes it to the next level. Loci technology analyzes trends in research, and comparing what is known, Loci can detect what is not and where there may be ways to link inventions in new ways or to identify unforeseen opportunities to invent new products. The gap between existing technology and undiscovered connections is what Loci calls "spaces." Perhaps one day Loci could predict the interactions between each idea that exists or can exist in an attempt to create a transparent metric estimate for all IP.

The LOCIcoin token can play an integral role in changing the paradigm in how ideas are evaluated and exchanged. The process of discovering an idea, invention and patent process can take years. InnVenn is an ecosystem that offers inventors a much faster and more cost-effective alternative to capitalize their inventions as compared to the current patent process. On the Loci platform, LOCIcoin tokens will be used.

The sale of LOCIcoin tokens will take place from 6 to 31 December. Price 1 LOCIcoin = 2.5 USA dollars.
Annually large sums and a lot of time are spent on registering inventions, new ideas, instead of spending that money on development and improvement.

Using blockchain technology on the Loci platform, each inventor will be able to assert his rights to his intellectual property. That's why the Loci developers expect that the utilitarian value of LOCIcoin will increase with time.
The Loci community will help inventors accelerate the emergence of new technologies.

More information about the Loci project can be found here:


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