Ripple (XRP) WILL Surpass Etherium (ETH)

Ripple xrp definitely has some real significant potential in store for it

And it's significantly hard for me to ignore ripple from and investing prospective considering the fact that Ripple essentially is the banking technology when it comes to the world of cryptocurrency at the current time that we're looking at when you look at basically the top 10 crypto is right here Ripple positions at number 3.

And basically hated by the fact that this technology is really supported by institutional money no I understand that a lot of people I have is that have significant complaints about Ripple lot of people who believe in sort of the Bitcoin philosophy people who believe in the idea of decentralized cryptocurrencies probably have some significant gripes when it comes to the Ripple considering the fact that it is a centralized cryptocurrency and me personally I see it as hard to ignore simply based on the fact that it's going to be worth a significant amount of money.

In the in the future as we continue to see cryptocurrency technology creep into the mainstream as we continue to see more people adapt to these Technologies Ripple is definitely going to be the Normie cryptocurrency see Bitcoin definitely does have a stigma surrounding it however that doesn't detract from the fact that it definitely does have name recognition it is substantially ingrained into public consciousness.

And when I talk about something like etherium I give it praise considering the fact that it takes the blockchain technology to the next level with smart contracts and so forth however I do see a more mainstream appeal when it comes to Ripple I could definitely see the concept of centralized currency basically taking root in the fabric of sissy cuz you really have to understand that when people invest in Bitcoin they they still are taking a chance.

But I would argue you that with Bitcoin it's almost more so considering the fact that the institutional backing isn't exactly completely and totally established the same way as it is with ripple I would argue that Ripple might in fact have a brighter future ahead of it obviously I understand that a lot of people talk about the fact that Ripple does have a high circulating Supply and in response to basic remarks like this.

I would like to point out the fact that Ripple every time people use Ripple in a transaction the technology actually delete a little bit of Ripple that's already in existence so the circulating supply of Ripple is constantly going down

which ensures that the value of Ripple will eventually go up so if you consider the fact that for a long-term perspective of these different Technologies in 20 years or so all these transactions are taking place involving it imagine how low the circular be ripples one of the only Technologies out there where the circulating Supply is actually going down over time

And this is my friend actually was doing some math regarding the technology of Ripple and the developments that are in place and he can actually see and I agree with him on the fact that Ripple actually has the potential to pass etherium it has in the past we've seen Ripple take up that second position.

And in times of a financial decline the right now we're experiencing a lot of red nobody can argue the fact that Bitcoin is worth the $10,000 whereas a couple of months ago it was worth $20,000 this is plain knowledge however we have to understand that those of us who have been involved in the cryptocurrency

for more than a year we remember times when when the market will be flat for months and months on end and only recently were we starting to see a ton of volatility in prices things were going all over the body asleep in a day-to-day perspective cryptocurrency is extremely volatile and we see Empires rise and fall consistently

And that's basically the nature of the beast when it comes to cryptocurrency however

I am perfectly fine with seeing a market teen substantial and stays stable for a specific amount of time because it gives me a chance to really evaluate these different Technologies and accumulate positions based on the merits of the team that's working Behind These Technologies in the actual real world applications that are available as far as these Technologies go and when it comes to Ripple I definitely can see a huge potential.

And if you guys actually want to learn more about Ripple I would have only recommend that you guys go and check out their Twitter I'm going to follow these guys on Twitter if you're interested in learning all the new developments regarding your favorite cryptocurrencies because when it comes to these Technologies information is everything and it really comes down to who knows what's going to happen.

Which is why it's important to have your own steady flow of information and really I don't trust anybody but my own research

I would recommend to everybody out there that you should always do your own research and never take anybody else's word for it when you choose to invest or when you choose not to invest because if you only listen to the news you're going to be behind you have to do your research ahead of time and be ahead of the game if you're going to be in the right position before we start to see these incredible Moon shots

that I could honestly see happening in the near future weather this is a month from now whether this is 2 months from now they really makes no difference considering the fact that with cryptocurrency is such a volatile market like I said and ripple when it comes to the pier technology

I could easily see it passing aetherium within a short amount of time considering all these different variables that I previously mentioned there's a lot of different factors that come into place regarding the fact that these differentiated.

And you have to understand that in this year's time pletely different and I understand like I said

a lot of people have problems with ripple considering the fact that they do object to having their investment tied up with the institutions and so forth and I can understand this however like I said from a marketing perspective investors perspective it's hard to

ignore the real potential that's available when it comes to all the deals that they're making it the Airbnb deal all the different basically cutting-edge technologies that ripples got its foundation rooted in are going to be substantial variables when it comes to the totality of the way that things in in the future basically cuz

I understand that the people who've made and see where it is today the early investors and so forth however a new percentage of investing population we are going to see an entire shift in the cryptocurrency market.

The people perceive these Technologies and ripple is going to be one of those technologies that is given extreme Merit regarding the fact that it does have all of the sock credibility revolving around it now me personally at $0.91 I consider this a little bit high for me

I accumulate my ripple during the dips when I see the price a little bit lower and obviously were away down from the all-time highs of Ripple so when you receive of the fact that we might I'll be revisiting those all-time highs when we experience the next sort of Bull Run

So to speak with the different technologies that are more towards the top however it is really interesting when you consider the fact that ripples made such and such a climb in such a short amount of time

I could easily see Ripple substantiating itself him and moving to the number two position and probably will see a flip five Ripple will replace etherium that aetherium will take the spot and will be basically battling for that my might as well continues to get more public attention it's more media attention when I look at the different news articles regarding Ripple

I'm it is definitely self-evident that Ripple is moving to establish itself in the public Consciousness as one of those cryptocurrencies that's definitely up there with Bitcoin and ethereum and so forth and you have to understand that the all the real Spotlight right now still is centered around Bitcoin because we are still in the early stages of technology and continue and continue to actually make themselves

I'm established in the public Consciousness and there's going to be a lot of different volatility so all that being said you guys I have to also make this disclaimer I am not a financial advisor this blog is not Financial advice.

This blog is for educational purposes only.

My personal opinion everybody you are all responsible for your own decisions in this market basically all

I can do here is provide these blogs as a sort of conversation when it comes to my perception when it comes to the possibilities that are in store for these Technologies order out make the racing right now and you can hold me to it that one day Ripple will replace etherium and on that day we will probably see a lot more public attention and a lot more money being pumped into Ripple as those Technologies

And as the new developments continue to be implemented so as far as I'm concerned I can see a very exciting future for ripple and all that being said you guys if you're interested in connecting with me you can comment down below.

And be sure to follow as I'm your best source for everything crypto.

And remember the people that invest in crypto now are the future rock stars of the 2020s.

Thank you and have a blessed day.

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