2nd May

Bitcoin: $9,104.10
Market Cap: $423,613,667,120

A momentous day today – I’ll be handing in my notice and quitting the 9-5 for a life in crypto. The job with the community has been confirmed, and even if it hadn’t it just doesn’t make sense to be holding on to a fairly low paying job stuck in an office when I could give everything to a fascinating, emerging technology that has the chance to make me and my family extremely comfortable in years to come, and all at my own leisure. Importantly, this would also mean I can help my wife look after our autistic son, or even pay someone to do it do we can start to enjoy life! It really has the opportunity to expand our horizons more than any job I could feasibly get.

The other aspect I was considering this morning was that I spend my day surrounded by underachievers and I’m sick of it. My immediate team is the only team that has any people who possess a desire for self-betterment, everyone else has fallen into sales, purchasing or warehouse jobs and they have no desire to take on risks or challenges, and certainly not in the brave new world of crypto. To spend my day with intelligent, thought provoking people in a brand new transformative space instead of trotting out the same old marketing copy about servers and switches is what life should be about. What I find amazing is that I drop little hints now and again about how I’m doing and what the space might be able to offer financially, and no one is interested, at least not enough to carry it through. Just a little bit of research would lead them to realise what they could achieve, but then it just reinforces the kind of people they are – not willing to take risks or think outside the box to better themselves. I’m not saying it’s all going to come up roses for me and that this is a guaranteed earner, but I’m already substantially better off than I would have been it I had stayed in work and with all the positivity coming in about worldwide acceptance of crypto and Bitcoin it really does seem that now is the time to jump in with both feet. Even a few weeks ago I don’t think I would have been brave enough to cut all ties with regular work, but the future really does seem crypto shaped, and I want to be a part of that.

Oh yeah, and the markets have rebounded a little from the dip. Need to wait and see, but looks ok.

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