29th March

Bitcoin: $7,459.39
Market Cap: $276,098,396,564

BTC continues to drop and alts with it, with more double digit drops across the board, right when it seemed it many had bottomed out. Another sizable chunk has left the space, and a sense of inevitability seems to have taken over many on social media. I’m annoyed that I didn’t take the plunge and sell my remaining alts for the margin trading, but I may well do it tonight. I just don’t see where the new money is coming from, and the alts I have left aren’t ones I plan to go back in on anyway, so I may as well try and claw back some of the losses through Bitmex before picking up my targets. I did actually buy some MAN and FSN a couple of nights ago, mainly because neither have hit exchanges yet and are decent medium terms shouts. MAN were supposed to announce a number of exchange listings this month, and given that there now only two days left it’s worth a punt. Now that WAN fever has subsided, I imagine there’s a bunch of pissed off noobs who bought at $5 and now see it down to $3 with every likelihood that it will go further. That is on my radar when it’s safe to buy, as is ICX and nCASH.

In many ways it’s a shame that I need to keep my VEN locked away in order to get the masternode, as I’ve shipped a sizeable amount of my portfolio watching that drift down, but it will be worth it. In fact, with further crashes and some clever moves I might be able to get myself into position to get up to the next node. The odds are against me, but at this rate it’s not inconceivable. TPAY is also supposed to be launching on some shitty exchange today on the same day one of their TG admins ran off with $25k from a private buyer and they received a report from Ernst and Young regarding their proposed bank purchase. I genuinely don’t know whether to laugh or cry with that one – it’s either going to make me rich or sink me!

I also read a fascinating article on the ‘cartels’ that have manipulated almost all global markets, with the following header:

I called for 95% Correction when Bitcoin was at $20,000. So far we have traced 70% of it. Will there be another 25%? Futures Market will help us. Stay tuned!!

Whilst it veers towards the conspiracy theory, in many ways it makes sense given the manipulation in place by whales, although these guys are a step above whales. The article went into great detail how they’d done just the same with gold, silver and currency markets, and he made several compelling arguments backed up with stats that could be put down to coincidence, but the kind of coincidence that reeks of manipulation! The upshot was that these guys want the price of BTC to be absolutely crashed to the floor through volume selling and FUD in the media, both of which are evident. On the plus side they will then enter as low as they can then work the price up to something like a six figure value before crashing it again, knowing they can make huge money through the futures and longing/shorting in the short term. With what I’m seeing in the market myself, I really wouldn’t be surprised to see at full correction of this type and am preparing my action plan accordingly. This ghostly influence isn’t necessarily a bad thing mind you – if you accept that invisible forces are in control and you can align yourself with their agenda and goals, both short term and long term, then you can profit along with them. After all, they want two things – control and money. You can’t get control, but you can get money, if you do it their way.

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