
The crypto community loves Telegram, it has become the go-to communication channel for upcoming ICOs and crypto communities.

Being a marketing agency that works with ICOs, at Freegram we have seen our fair share of Telegram groups, in fact, our database now consists of a whopping 3000 crypto-related Telegram groups. When it comes to marketing an ICO Telegram is a vital tool, however, most companies fail to overlook some important points that make marketing on Telegram a successful strategy.

Before using Telegram as a tool for ICO marketing, you need to read these 8 tips we have compiled from our experience working with ICOs and pioneering innovative Telegram marketing services. These tips are also relevant for crypto-trading groups, trading signal groups, newsgroups and just about anyone trying to run a successful community on Telegram.

1. Community management is tedious and very undervalued

What is the point of having thousands of potential investors in a Telegram group if no one is talking or keeping the community engaged?

Sadly, we have seen so many ICO groups overlook and undervalue community management to the point where it can affect their profits by driving away investors. There needs to be someone always around to answer questions, start discussions, share news and most importantly keep the group clean by removing spammers and scammers.

Having someone the community can rely on for answers to their questions in real time will increase investor confidence in the project and create LOYALTY to the brand.

2. People don’t like reading

Most Telegram users have joined a lot of groups, this means there is a constant barrage of messages that people just don’t have the time to read.

Which is why it is important to repeat important messages, news or alerts many times in a Telegram ICO group to make sure it reaches as much of your audience as possible, especially new members that may have missed important messages from before.

3. Being Always Online is key

Answering questions right the minute they are asked increases loyalty and sometimes even has a “WOW” effect since users are not accustomed to seeing admins online 24/7 in a Telegram group. This can be a major competitive advantage as it shows that a project is serious about its community and investor relations.

In some ICOs we have worked with the CEO of the project was the most active member of the Telegram community, now that’s commitment to the project!


4. Begging your Telegram group audience

Sad but true, it happens. Some ICOs have been known to private message their Telegram members asking them to invest. This will not bring results. It looks pathetic and decreases the value of your project in the eyes of investors- never ask your admins to do it.

5. Inviting users from other Telegram groups of similar nature works

Telegram allows you to invite users to your group from other groups or channels you are a part of. However for this to be effective, some considerations need to be in place, for example, constant monitoring and welcoming users/answering their questions like “who the hell invited me here” or “why did I end up in this group” is a must.

The only thing is Telegram does not allow to invite more than 30–40 per day (which take a lot of time to begin with!) and your account will get banned for 24 hours if you go over the limit. So it’s something that takes time to do manually. There are services out there that can help you bring a real targeted audience to your group in thousands without the hassle or worry of having your account banned.

6. Weekly/Monthly Quizzes

Quizzes or any activity that can be rewarded and generates engagement is a must for marketing a Telegram ICO group. If users are not engaged by the content or conversation being shared in a group, nothing is stopping them from leaving. Putting a little effort into creating quizzes for your audience helps maintain a highly engaged community.

7. Using telegram Bots for bounty and airdrops is a must

There are so many tasks involved in marketing an ICO, so why not save time wherever you can? Telegram bots can save ridiculous amounts of your admin`s time. Some of the tasks these bots can automate include:

  • Registering bounty participants
  • Assigning bounty tasks automatically
  • Following up with bounty participants on ongoing tasks
  • Collecting finished tasks via files in chat

There are very few Telegram Chatbot experts out there if you want to find out more about what you can do with chatbots, look here.


8. Always Keep Your Community Updated

Telegram is a communication channel, therefore use it as such. Conferences, interviews, blogger reviews, technology updates, all these things start discussions and bring valuable feedback from the community, so make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to share with your community.

These tips should turn a mediocre ICO Telegram group into a highly engaged Telegram community, trust us, your users will become highly loyal if you take the necessary steps to engage — interact — update — and respond.


Pinning a message in a Telegram group pushes a notification for everyone, even if the group is muted for the member.

Think ahead so you can do it regularly to stay on peoples radar. Just don’t do it every day, you will annoy people and they will leave your group.

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