MUST READ: Why Warren Buffet Can Be Wrong!

Warren Buffet needs no introduction.

I actually love and respect him a great deal.

However, in the tech space, he has had his share of 'mistakes' with Google first, and then Amazon.

How can Warren Buffet miss those behemoths? The simple answer is, and Buffet had admitted it, ignorance. He simply didn't (maybe still doesn't) understand the technology space and the underlying business model(s).

Well, what you didn't know, you can't forget!

The thing is, the world has changed and the disruption continues with the Blockchain technology. People like Warren who had benefitted immensely from the capitalist economy, howbeit slowly, cannot fully comprehend how Facebook made Mark Zuckerberg a billionaire in less than a decade! Or how @Steemit is making millionaires daily. It took Warren and his generation of billionaires more than a decade.


So, when Warren Buffet remarked (or is it predicted) a bad ending to cryptos on @cnbc, I had to send him a tweet (image above) because it's time he alongside any of the 'old money' who cares enough to learn that with current global trends, you need no analyst to discover that the overall business and business finance landscapes has shifted ground to the extent that the existing bias of business toward abstraction combined with the internet’s new emphasis on success through scale has yielded an experience, digital and ‘crypto’ economy with almost no basis in actual old-fashioned commerce, the 'old' laws of supply and demand, or even the creation of value.

"Behold, I will do a NEW thing..."

It’s no longer capitalism in the traditional sense, but an abstracted hyper-capitalism utterly divorced from getting (anything done) things done the old way.

In fact, the closer to the creation of 'value' (as we used to know it) you get under this new scheme, the
further you may be from the money!

So, Warren...maybe you should take some more time to learn about the evolving cosmos...and while you're at it, ask Jamie Dimon why he changed his mind...and ask us, why we are optimistic about, and committed to make cryptocurrency work.

We are simply embracing the new. And there are great kids on the block like Satoshi, @dan and @ned we've chosen to believe in...

Dear Warren, welcome to a brand new world!

fifeBANKS is my name
Prospered by LOVE, I collaborate with Bravehearts to develop prosperity in their ecosystems

Image credits
Warren Buffet:
My tweet:

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