What's Exciting In Crypto Right Now? Exchanges

I am excited about two, newer cryptocurrency exchanges that I want to tell you about tonight. Binance & KuCoin

BinanceLogo.png and KuCoinLogoOfficial.png

I've been trading Cryptocurrencies for over a year now, and have at times felt great frustration with a few of the widely known services. Coinbase, Bitfinex, Bittrex, and the like are no strangers to you, if you've been active in the space. If you aren't familiar with these services, their trespasses are, by & large, nothing terribly egregious. The benefits of Binance & KuCoin, however, far outshine the frustrations that may occur - none of which I've had to endure yet at either of these two exchanges, fwiw.

I came to Binance first. A friend who also trades, told me about it, and after looking into it, I'm almost using it exclusively.

My favorite aspect is that they have their own crypto. The Binance token, symbol BNB. It is an erc 20 token, functioning on the Ethereum blockchain. The best part is that if own some BNB in your Binance portfolio, you can pay for your, already discounted trading fees with the BNB token at a 50% discount!


Imagine a month or year out from now, you log into Binance and pay for all of your trades at a 50% discount using a cryptocurrency asset that you paid a fraction of the current price for. I think that's pretty sweet & I expect more & more people to clue in to this great benefit from trading on the Binance platform.

The Binance interface is solid. They have everything you would expect to see as well as regular promotions for active accounts.

Following are screen grabs of the Basic & Advanced trading floors at Binance.



This is my affiliate link if you feel like awarding me for turning you on to the Binance exchange and cryptocurrency token / asset:


KuCoin is much newer to me, and it seems to be largely the same as Binance with more promotions and a much more robust affiliate program. KuCoin also operates as shares, they disburse 90% of profits from trading fees!

I love seeing cryptocurrency assets in operation, like Salt opening lending the other day and MANA being used in their Decentraland VR world, plot auction. This is my KuCoin affiliate link, of course, I don't mind if you do not elect to use it. The most important thing is that you sign up, if it is a service that will prove worthwhile to you.

2018 promises to be very exciting in the the crypto space and I hope that you are able to maximize your benefit from all of the interesting and useful projects currently available to participate with as well as those launching in the coming months.

-Father Mayhem

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