Tipper Economy ICO: What it is and Why You Should Care About It

For a cryptocurrency to succeed, it must exist for the people. When Bitcoin was created, it was intended to be a system of peer-to-peer electronic cash that was not controlled by any centralized group. Its very design made it a coin by the people, for the people that anyone could mine, send, and use. It still is that way, and will remain that way.

Since the creation of Bitcoin, the world we live in has changed dramatically. Technology has grown to be an integral part of most people’s lives. Specifically, social media has become a dominant force in the sharing of information over the internet. And as more and more people gain access to the internet, the power and importance of social media will only grow. But social media platforms themselves should grow as well.

At this point, there is only a handful of social media platforms that control the vast majority of content. Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram are the ones most people know and use. They have massive user bases, make billions of dollars, yet they give back little to nothing to the users that provide the actual value and make the platforms what they are. Their revenue stems mainly from ads, which, as it turns out, is a broken system that has left so many people wanting. Fake views and clicks lead to complicated situations for companies and users who monetize their content. In fact, many content creators have turned to platforms such as Patreon and gofundme which allow people to send money directly to content creators who are not making enough from their content.

The companies behind this model are part of the paradigm of centralized, for-profit entities that treat users as a means to an end. People can only make money with these platforms if they make money for the main company. Even then, hardly any people that make money for the company receive and kind of monetary compensation for doing so (i.e. most users).

Enter: Tipper Economy

Tipper economy is a platform that will give users a whole new world of social media to explore, by providing them with all of the value that they create. It will combine the decentralization made possible by Bitcoin with the immense power of social media. Doing so will return the power, and money, to the people in a way that is fair, honest, and profitable for everyone involved. Thanks to Tipper, it will now be possible for everyday users, as well as icons, to reap the benefits of the true value they bring to social media. This will be done in a variety of ways which are summarized below:

  1. Tipping - All content is monetized. Instead of letting someone else decide which content should be monetized (i.e. Youtube can monetize and demonetize videos at whim), all content will be monetized on Tipper, including simple posts and comments. “Likes” are replaced with “tips”, and users will actually be incentivized to tip because they are rewarded with tipper tokens for helping content go viral. This helps fuel the tipper social economy and create opportunities for the average user as well as content creator to thrive in. See section 3.6 in the whitepaper for more details.

  2. Content Investing – Through tipper, users will be able to raise money and invest in each other’s content. If a user would like to raise funds to help produce content and grow their channel, they can put their tipper account up for investing. This will allow other users to invest in their content, and the investors are paid a percentage of all tips given to the content they invest in for an agreed upon amount of time. All payments are done through smart contracts, which means that they are distributed automatically without anyone being able to intervene. This means that you don’t have to worry about anyone else holding your funds for you. See section 4 in the whitepaper for more details.

  3. 100% of ad revenue will be given to the users – Instead of advertisers going through a middleman (i.e. Facebook) to reach the user, they will engage directly with users by paying them. Advertisers will pay in the form of “branded tipper tokens”, bringing in additional money that can be distributed to stimulate the tipper economy. Users will be able to watch an ad and claim all of the ad money for themselves, or only take some of it and not watch the ad. They are also incentivized to share ads with other users and get paid for doing so. See section 5 in the whitepaper for more details.

  4. Momentization – a term coined in the whitepaper which means “the monetization of moments”. At its surface, momentization is a way for people to raise money by sharing ‘moments’, or short videos of epic events that have the potential to go viral. But under the surface, momentization is a way to provide tipper users with substantial and direct benefits that will impact their lives. People can tip moments, and the tips are later distributed to the creator of the moment, the users that tipped the moment, and all users on the platform. Most importantly though, a portion of these tips goes into a crowdfunding campaign that benefits all users of tipper. The money that is crowdfunded through momentization will be used to purchase companies, and these companies will then give discounts and perks to tipper users. When Amazon purchased Whole Foods, it gave discounts to Amazon members who shopped at Whole Foods. The same will happen when tipper users collectively purchase companies. See section 6 of the whitepaper for more details.

    Tipper is aiming to give the power back to the people by providing users with the value that they actually create. There will be no middleman taking all of the income, which means people can finally be financially rewarded for spending time on social media. Have you ever stopped to think how much money Youtube or Facebook make off of ads alone? Facebook has a market cap of over 500 billion dollars, so I’m sure you can guess.

    Right now, you have the chance to invest in tipper before it even comes out with a product. You have a chance to invest in it before it has its first post. You can watch it grow from thousands of users, to millions, to potentially billions. If you are reading this, you are in a position to evaluate this project and decide for yourself if it’s worth investing in.

    If you feel that this post has helped you, please use my referral code when you buy into the ICO. It will help compensate me for my work and you have absolutely nothing to lose by using it. If someone else sent you here, please consider using their referral code. My code is 1587

To buy into the ICO, find the whitepaper, and find more information on the project please visit the tipper economy website: http://www.tippereconomy.io

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Short promotional videos can be found on the Tipper Economy Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45xD9FeYC1i91GY3DyZC3w

Here are the answers to some questions you might ask. Feel free to ask more in the comments:

Why do tipper tokens fundamentally have value?
The more time people spend on tipper, the more in demand tipper tokens will be for advertising. Tipper tokens are also a way to promote yourself on the tipper platform, support others, and yourself. They will also give you a stake in the benefits from companies bought by tipper.

What is the potential benefit of investing in the ICO?
The market cap of the tipper ICO is $49 million. This is quite small compared to many other successful ICOs. Once the product has launched and gained a large user base, the market cap will be much larger if tipper gains a fraction of the users that Facebook has. By buying now, you are investing in the future of this company and the future of decentralized social media. It could also be a bargain to give you lots of tipper tokens to work with once the product is launched.

Full disclosure: I am invested in Tipper, but I was not paid to write this article. It is simply a project that I want to see succeed.

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