GREATEST NEWS!! New advisor for EthicHub


We are very proud to announce PhD Maicu Lacalle Caderón as Advisor for EthicHub! A high regarded academic figure and a reference in Micro-Finances, she will help us to consolidate the theoretical and on-field aspects of Financial Inclusion and Positive Impact through her deep knowledge, experience and vision.

She will also be a key figure to build and expand our Local Node Network worldwide.

PhD in Economics and Graduated with Honor in Economic Development from the Universidad Autonoma Madrid (UAM), Spain. Nowadays she is full time professor of economics at UAM and Academic Director of the Master in Microfinance and Financial Inclusion at this university.

She is very committed with the development of the Microfinance industry in Spain. Maicu has contributed to the sector as co-director and research member of the Spanish Foro MicroFinanzas (2003–12), member of the European Microfinance Network’s research group (Brussels, 2007–13) and cofounder of the Spanish Association of Microfinance (2012).

Through her social and business experience, she has gained analytical, leadership, teamwork, project management and creative thinking abilities.

Her main research is on Microfinance, Poverty and Economic Development. She has participated in several international conferences, and among her recent publications are:

-Cepeda I., Lacalle-Calderón, M. and Torralba, M. (2018).“Microfinance and Violence Against Women in rural Guatemala”. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1, 23.

-Lacalle‐Calderon, M., Perez‐Trujillo, M., & Neira, I. (2018). Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty among the Poorest? A Macro Quantile Regression Approach. The Developing Economies, 56(1), 51–65.

-Lacalle-Calderón M, Pérez-Trujillo, M. & Neira, I. (2017): “Fertility and Economic Development: Quantile Regression Evidence on the Inverse J-shaped Pattern”,European Journal of Population 33(1):1–31.

-Chasco, P., Lacalle-Calderon, M. , Alfonso-Gil, J. (2017). “Spatial contagion of civil liberty: some evidence from a spatial econometrics analysis”, Paradigma económico, 9(2): 5–32.

-Neira, I.; Lacalle-Calderón, M. y Portela, M. (2016). “Official development assistance, social capital and growth in Latin America”, The CEPAL Review (119): 31–45.

-Lacalle-Calderón M, Rico, S & Alfonso-Gil, J. (2016). “Microfinanzas para el emprendimiento en España”, Economistas 149: 81–89.

-Lacalle-Calderón M, Chasco, C.; Alfonso-Gil J.; Neira, I. (2015): “A comparative analysis of the effect of aid and microfinance on growth”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 36(1):72–88.

-Lacalle-Calderón, M., Alfonso-Gil, J., & Rico-Garrido, S. (2015). “Foreign Aid and Microfinance: A new policy proposal for financing development”, Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 4(2), 106–129.

-Alfonso-Gil J, Lacalle-Calderón M, Sánchez-Mangas R. (2014). “Civil liberty and economic growth in the world: A long-run perspective, 1850–2010”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 10(3): 427–449.

-Lacalle-Calderón, M., Gonzalez, A., García-Contreras, R., & Rico, S. (2012). MASTER ON MICROCREDIT FOR DEVELOPMENT AS A SERVICE-LEARNING INITIATIVE. ICERI2012 Proceedings, 268–277.

-Rico, S.; Lacalle, M. and Morales, M. (2012): Financial inclusion to foster job creation, Citi Microfinance, London.

-Lacalle Calderón, M. y Rico Garrido, S. (2011): Microfinance in Spain: Impact and recommendations for the future, Working Paper, Global Microcredit Summit 2011.

-Lacalle, M y Kumar, V. (2011): India: La crisis de las microfinanzas, Revista Consejeros, nº 59, pp:44–45.

-Jayo, B.; Lacalle Calderón, M.; Rico Garrido, S.; Dayson K. and Kickul, J. (2010): Handbook of Microcredit in Europe, Ed. Edgard Elgar, New York. ISBN: 987–1- 84844–194–1.

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